A Demo Project for the UnrealEngineSDK
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CABaseGrippableStoryActorBase class for grippable story actors that can be interacted with hands
 CABaseGrippableStoryVolumeThis class can be used for cases when the user needs to apply Grip to specific areas that can have no specific meshes
 CABaseStoryActorBase class for story actors
 CABP_CarTutorial_CA blueprint class with 4 graphs
 CABP_ControlsWrapper_CA blueprint class with 2 graphs
 CABP_DebugDisplayAllSteps_CA blueprint class with 2 graphs
 CABP_DebugStepsDisplay_CA blueprint class with 2 graphs
 CABP_DebugWidget_CA blueprint class with 2 graphs
 CABP_DialogueManager_CA blueprint class with 19 graphs
 CABP_DispatchWrapper_CA blueprint class with 2 graphs
 CABP_Door_CA blueprint class with 6 graphs
 CABP_EmptyTV_CA blueprint class with 2 graphs
 CABP_Floor_CA blueprint class with 2 graphs
 CABP_IgnitionWrapper_CA blueprint class with 2 graphs
 CABP_InteractionButton_CA blueprint class with 2 graphs
 CABP_InteractionButton_Child_CA blueprint class with 2 graphs
 CABP_IntroMediaScreen_CA blueprint class with 2 graphs
 CABP_LoginActor_CA blueprint class with 2 graphs
 CABP_LoginGameMode_CA blueprint class with 2 graphs
 CABP_Pedestal_CA blueprint class with 2 graphs
 CABP_PedestrianTutorial_CA blueprint class with 5 graphs
 CABP_PixoCharacter_CA blueprint class with 2 graphs
 CABP_PixoGameMode_CA blueprint class with 2 graphs
 CABP_PixoLoginCharacter_CA blueprint class with 2 graphs
 CABP_PixoVRCircleProgressPlane_CA blueprint class with 2 graphs
 CABP_PixoVRHand_CA blueprint class with 2 graphs
 CABP_PixoVRWristMenu_CA blueprint class with 2 graphs
 CABP_QuitMenuWrapper_CA blueprint class with 2 graphs
 CABP_ScoringBoard_CA blueprint class with 3 graphs
 CABP_TrashCan_CA blueprint class with 3 graphs
 CABP_TUT_PixoVRCharacter_CA blueprint class with 2 graphs
 CABP_TUT_PixoVRGameMode_CA blueprint class with 2 graphs
 CABP_TUT_PixoVRPlayerController_CA blueprint class with 3 graphs
 CABP_TUT_PixoVRWristMenu_CA blueprint class with 2 graphs
 CABP_VideoPanel_CA blueprint class with 2 graphs
 CABP_VRKeyboard_CA blueprint class with 2 graphs
 CAControlReminderW_CA blueprint class with 2 graphs
 CADemoInteractivePixoVRGameMode_CA blueprint class with 2 graphs
 CADemoLobbyPixoVRGameMode_CA blueprint class with 2 graphs
 CADemoPixoVRCharacter_CA blueprint class with 2 graphs
 CADemoPixoVRPlayerController_CA blueprint class with 2 graphs
 CADynamicHieghtFloorA class that automatically raises/lowers the floor level, thus changing the height of the player. To use it:
 CAGripableProp_CA blueprint class with 2 graphs
 CAGripableProp_Child_CA blueprint class with 5 graphs
 CAGripHandle_CA blueprint class with 4 graphs
 CAGrippableActorUCLASS(Blueprintable, meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent), ClassGroup = (VRExpansionPlugin))
 CAGrippableSkeletalMeshActorUCLASS(Blueprintable, meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent, ChildCanTick), ClassGroup = (VRExpansionPlugin))
 CAGrippableStaticMeshActorUCLASS(Blueprintable, meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent, ChildCanTick), ClassGroup = (VRExpansionPlugin))
 CAInteractionButtonRepresents an interaction button actor
 CAInteractionLeverActor representing an interaction valve
 CAInteractionValveActor representing an interaction valve
 CAInteractionValve_CA blueprint class with 3 graphs
 CAInteractiveObjects_CA blueprint class with 2 graphs
 CAIntroMediaScreenThis is a screen on which you can broadcast video
 CAMainMenuW_CA blueprint class with 2 graphs
 CAOptionalRepGrippableSkeletalMeshActorUCLASS(Blueprintable, meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent, ChildCanTick), ClassGroup = (VRExpansionPlugin))
 CAPixo_AudioManager_CA blueprint class with 5 graphs
 CAPixoIntroGameMode_CA blueprint class with 2 graphs
 CAPixoIntroPlayer_CA blueprint class with 2 graphs
 CAPixoVRCharacterPixo VR Character This class represents the main character in the Pixo VR game. It extends the AVRCharacter class and provides functionality for teleportation, laser beams, wrist menu, hands, hints, and various input handling
 CAPixoVRCircleProgressClass representing a circular progress indicator in PixoVR. The circle progress can be updated to display a specific percentage and can be enabled or disabled
 CAPixoVRGameModeAPixoVRGameMode is a custom game mode class that extends AGameMode and implements IPixoCoreInterface. Setup ExperienceManagerClass, so this class will create it on initialization with all managers inside ExperienceManager
 CAPixoVRGameStateAPixoVRGameState is a custom game state class that extends AGameState
 CAPixoVRHandAPixoVRHand is an actor class that represents a hand in the VR environment
 CAPixoVRLaserClass for VR laser interaction. It can interact with widget buttons or actors derived from IPixoVRInteractionInterface
 CAPixoVRPlayerControllerA custom player controller class for PixoVR
 CAPixoVRTeleporterClass for VR teleporter functionality. It allows teleportation using visual indicators
 CAPixoVRToolBaseBase class for PixoVR tools
 CAPixoVRWristMenuA actor class representing the PixoVR wrist menu. The wrist menu allows users to interact with menu items and perform actions based on their selection
 CArcEndpointMaterialA material with 1 graphs
 CARenderTargetReplicationProxyUCLASS(ClassGroup = (VRExpansionPlugin))
 CArrowMaterialA material with 1 graphs
 CAVRPlayerStartUCLASS(Blueprintable, ClassGroup = Common, hidecategories = Collision)
 CAVRVehiclePawnUCLASS(config = Game, BlueprintType)
 CAVRWheeledVehicleUCLASS(config = Game, BlueprintType)
 CAWidgetControllerAActor class representing a widget controller that manages widget functionality
 CBasicShapeMaterialA material with 1 graphs
 CBasicShapeMaterialTransA material with 1 graphs
 CDiscMaterialA material with 1 graphs
 CEventLogServiceFunctionality for creating and managing events. It is a friend class of UExperienceManager and is responsible for handling event creation and initialization
 CFActionMappingDetailsUSTRUCT(BlueprintType, Category = "VRGlobalSettings")
 CFAxisKeyDataStructure representing axis key data for different platforms
 CFBPActorGripInformationUSTRUCT(BlueprintType, Category = "VRExpansionLibrary")
 CFBPActorPhysicsHandleInformationUSTRUCT(BlueprintType, Category = "VRExpansionLibrary")
 CFBPAdvancedPhysicsHandleAxisSettingsUSTRUCT(BlueprintType, Category = "VRExpansionLibrary")
 CFBPAdvancedPhysicsHandleSettingsUSTRUCT(BlueprintType, Category = "VRExpansionLibrary")
 CFBPAdvGripPhysicsSettingsUSTRUCT(BlueprintType, Category = "VRExpansionLibrary")
 CFBPAdvGripSettingsUSTRUCT(BlueprintType, Category = "VRExpansionLibrary")
 CFBPEuroLowPassFilterUSTRUCT(BlueprintType, Category = "VRExpansionLibrary")
 CFBPEuroLowPassFilterQuatUSTRUCT(BlueprintType, Category = "VRExpansionLibrary")
 CFBPEuroLowPassFilterTransUSTRUCT(BlueprintType, Category = "VRExpansionLibrary")
 CFBPGripPairUSTRUCT(BlueprintType, Category = "VRExpansionLibrary")
 CFBPGS_InteractionSettingsUSTRUCT(BlueprintType, Category = "VRExpansionLibrary")
 CFBPHitSurfacePropertiesUSTRUCT(BlueprintType, Category = "Lodging")
 CFBPInterfacePropertiesUSTRUCT(BlueprintType, Category = "VRExpansionLibrary")
 CFBPLodgeComponentInfoUSTRUCT(BlueprintType, Category = "Lodging")
 CFBPLowPassPeakFilterUSTRUCT(BlueprintType, Category = "VRExpansionLibrary")
 CFBPOpenVRCameraHandleUSTRUCT(BlueprintType, Category = "VRExpansionFunctions|SteamVR|VRCamera")
 CFBPOpenXRActionSkeletalDataUSTRUCT(BlueprintType, Category = "VRExpansionFunctions|OpenXR|HandSkeleton")
 CFBPOpenXRSkeletalMappingDataUSTRUCT(BlueprintType, Category = "VRExpansionFunctions|SteamVR|HandSkeleton")
 CFBPOpenXRSkeletalPairUSTRUCT(BlueprintType, Category = "VRExpansionFunctions|SteamVR|HandSkeleton")
 CFBPSecondaryGripInfoUSTRUCT(BlueprintType, Category = "VRExpansionLibrary")
 CFBPSkeletalRepContainerUSTRUCT(BlueprintType, Category = "VRExpansionFunctions|OpenXR|HandSkeleton")
 CFBPVirtualStockSettingsUSTRUCT(BlueprintType, Category = "GunSettings")
 CFBPVRControllerProfileUSTRUCT(BlueprintType, Category = "ControllerProfiles")
 CFBPVRHandPoseBonePairUSTRUCT(BlueprintType, Category = "VRExpansionLibrary")
 CFBPVRInteractibleBaseDataUSTRUCT(BlueprintType, Category = "VRExpansionLibrary")
 CFBPVRReplicatedTextureStoreUSTRUCT(BlueprintType, Category = "VRExpansionLibrary")
 CFBPVRWaistTracking_InfoUSTRUCT(BlueprintType, Category = "VRExpansionLibrary")
 CFButtonInfoStruct representing button information
 CFDeviceTextureStructure for storing device texture information
 CFDialogueSearchUtilitiesThe FDialogueSearchUtilities class
 CFDlgHelper_ArrayEqualVariantImpl< float >
 CFDlgHelper_MapEqualVariantImpl< KeyType, float >
 CFDlgJsonParserThe DlgJsonParser class mostly adapted for Dialogues, copied from FJsonObjectConverter See IDlgParser for properties and METADATA specifiers
 CFDlgJsonWriterThe DlgJsonWriter class mostly adapted for Dialogues, copied from FJsonObjectConverter See IDlgWriter for properties and METADATA specifiers
 CFDlgTestHelper_ArrayPrimitiveVariantImpl< float >
 CFDlgTestHelper_MapPrimitiveVariantImpl< KeyType, float >
 CFFingerDataFFingerData is a structure that holds finger animation data
 CFGunTools_AdvSecondarySettingsUSTRUCT(BlueprintType, Category = "VRExpansionLibrary")
 CFOpenXRGestureUSTRUCT(BlueprintType, Category = "VRGestures")
 CFOpenXRGestureFingerPositionUSTRUCT(BlueprintType, Category = "VRGestures")
 CFOverlappingInfoFOverlappingInfo is a structure that holds information about overlapping actors and components
 CFPixoAdminStructure representing admin information
 CFPixoLoginInfoStructure representing login information
 CFPixoLoginReplyInfoStructure representing login reply information
 CFPixoToolDataRepresents data for a tool in PixoCore
 CFPixoUserStructure representing user information
 CFPixoVRWristMenuDataTableRowStruct representing a row in the PixoVR wrist menu data table. Each row contains information about a menu item, such as its title, description, icon, category, ID, button size, and highlight color
 CFPlatformInputSettingsStructure representing platform-specific input settings
 CFScriptClassDataStruct for holding script class data
 CFScriptInstanceDataStruct for holding script instance data
 CFSoundManagerParameterRepresents a parameter used by the Sound Manager that will be passed as you load story
 CFStepVORepresents a Step Value Object used for storing step data in a data table
 CFStreamingLevelStructure representing streaming levels to load based on step. Also contains info about new player position
 CFTransform_NetQuantizeUSTRUCT(BlueprintType, Category = "VRExpansionLibrary|TransformNetQuantize", meta = (HasNativeMake = "VRExpansionPlugin.VRExpansionFunctionLibrary.MakeTransform_NetQuantize", HasNativeBreak = "VRExpansionPlugin.VRExpansionFunctionLibrary.BreakTransform_NetQuantize"))
 CFTransparentMaterialDataStruct used in Fadable component
 CFVRGestureUSTRUCT(BlueprintType, Category = "VRGestures")
 CFVRGestureSettingsUSTRUCT(BlueprintType, Category = "VRGestures")
 CFVRGestureSplineDrawUSTRUCT(BlueprintType, Category = "VRGestures")
 CIGripResponseAnimationInterfaceInterface for grip response animation functionality
 CIHandAnimationInterfaceInterface for hand animation functionality
 CIPixoCoreInterfaceInterface for PixoCore functionality
 CIPixoVRInteractionInterfaceInterface for PixoVR interaction with laser functionality
 CIPixoVRStoryObjectInterface for PixoVR story object functionality
 CIPixoVRToolInterfaceInterface for PixoVR tool functionality
 CIPixoVRWristMenuInterfaceInterface for the Pixo VR Wrist Menu
 CLaserBeamSplineMatA material with 1 graphs
 CM_FadeMaterialA material with 1 graphs
 CM_HandMatA material with 1 graphs
 CM_KeyboardButton_MasterA material with 1 graphs
 CM_PixoLogoMediaPlayerA material with 1 graphs
 CM_SmallGridRoomA material with 1 graphs
 CM_TeleportPreviewsA material with 1 graphs
 CM_UnlitBlackA material with 1 graphs
 CMat_GadgetsA material with 1 graphs
 CMat_GadgetsBLACKA material with 1 graphs
 CMat_MaskedA material with 1 graphs
 CMat_Opaque_colorMaskA material with 1 graphs
 CMat_OpaqueEmissiveA material with 1 graphs
 CMat_PlantAA material with 1 graphs
 CMat_PlantBA material with 1 graphs
 CMat_SofaBigA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_AO_WarehouseBaseTrimA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_AOBlockingPostA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_AOBreakerBoxA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_AOCeilingLightA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_AOConcreteBlockA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_AOConcreteFloorA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_AOCorrogatedMetal_01A material with 1 graphs
 CMI_AOCorrugatedMetal_02A material with 1 graphs
 CMI_AOEffect_WorkBenchA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_AOExitSignA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_AOFireTruckA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_AOGarageDoorA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_AOPersonelDoorA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_AOWarehouseAccessoriesA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_AOWarehouseTrim_MSKA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_BackSpace_HoveredA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_BackSpace_NormalA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_BackSpace_PressedA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_BlankDashA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_ButtonA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_ButtonPedA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_CapsLock_HoveredA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_CapsLock_NormalA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_CapsLock_PressedA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_CarGlassA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_CeilingSlatsA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_ClearRedGlassA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_DarkDrywallA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_DeskCounterTrimA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_DrywallA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_ElevatorToolsA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_EyesA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_FakeGlassA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_GenericCarExterior_01A material with 1 graphs
 CMI_GenericCarInteriorA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_InteractiveObjectsA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_KeyboardBGA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_LaserPointerA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_LobbyCarpetA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_M_Civilian6_PantsA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_M_Civilian6_ShirtA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_M_Civilian6_ShoesA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_M_Civilian6_SkinA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_M_Civiliant6_HeadA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_MetallicDropA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_ModernTrimA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_PersonelDoorA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_PlayerHeadA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_StandardButton_HoveredA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_StandardButton_NormalA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_StandardButton_PressedA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_TrashCanA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_WallTileA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_WarehouseBaseTrimA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_WoodFloorA material with 1 graphs
 CMI_WorkGloves_EnhancedA material with 1 graphs
 CMM_AOEffectA material with 1 graphs
 CMM_AOEffectMaskedA material with 1 graphs
 CMM_ButtonA material with 1 graphs
 CMM_ClothesA material with 1 graphs
 CMM_ConstantA material with 1 graphs
 CMM_EyesA material with 1 graphs
 CMM_FakeGlassA material with 1 graphs
 CMM_GenericCarA material with 1 graphs
 CMM_GlassA material with 1 graphs
 CMM_HeadA material with 1 graphs
 CMM_SkinA material with 1 graphs
 CMM_StandardA material with 1 graphs
 CMM_StandardMatA material with 1 graphs
 CMM_StandardTransperentA material with 1 graphs
 CMM_STDA material with 1 graphs
 CPixoMediaPlayer_Video_MA material with 1 graphs
 CPP_OutlineColoredA material with 1 graphs
 CPPI_OutlineColoredA material with 1 graphs
 CProgressMaterialA material with 1 graphs
 CProgressMaterial_InstA material with 1 graphs
 CSplineArcMaterialA material with 1 graphs
 CTeleportCylinderPreviewMaterialInstanceA material with 1 graphs
 CTStructOpsTypeTraits< FBPAdvGripPhysicsSettings >
 CTStructOpsTypeTraits< FBPSecondaryGripInfo >
 CTStructOpsTypeTraits< FBPSkeletalRepContainer >
 CTStructOpsTypeTraits< FBPVRComponentPosRep >
 CTStructOpsTypeTraits< FBPVRReplicatedTextureStore >
 CTStructOpsTypeTraits< FDlgCondition >
 CTStructOpsTypeTraits< FDlgEdge >
 CTStructOpsTypeTraits< FDlgEvent >
 CTStructOpsTypeTraits< FDlgHistory >
 CTStructOpsTypeTraits< FDlgTextArgument >
 CTStructOpsTypeTraits< FGripComponentEndPhysicsTickFunction >
 CTStructOpsTypeTraits< FRenderManagerOperation >
 CTStructOpsTypeTraits< FRepAttachmentWithWeld >
 CTStructOpsTypeTraits< FRepMovementVR >
 CTStructOpsTypeTraits< FRepMovementVRCharacter >
 CTStructOpsTypeTraits< FSkeletalMeshComponentEndPhysicsTickFunctionVR >
 CTStructOpsTypeTraits< FTransform_NetQuantize >
 CTStructOpsTypeTraits< FVRConditionalMoveRep >
 CTStructOpsTypeTraits< FVRConditionalMoveRep2 >
 CTStructOpsTypeTraits< FVRMoveActionArray >
 CTStructOpsTypeTraits< FVRMoveActionContainer >
 CTStructOpsTypeTraits< FVRReplicatedCapsuleHeight >
 CTStructOpsTypeTraits< FVRSeatedCharacterInfo >
 CUAISense_Sight_VRUCLASS(ClassGroup = AI, config = Game)
 CUAISenseConfig_Sight_VRUCLASS(meta = (DisplayName = "AI Sight VR config"))
 CUAnimBP_Common_CA blueprint class with 11 graphs
 CUAnimBP_EpicHand_Default_CA blueprint class with 39 graphs
 CUApexAPIUCLASS(BlueprintType, Blueprintable)
 CUApexReportingManagerManager for automatic Apex session reporting using UApexAPI
 CUApexSDKSettingsUCLASS(config = Engine, defaultconfig)
 CUBaseDlgDataClassUCLASS(Blueprintable, BlueprintType, EditInlineNew, HideCategories = ("DoNotShow"), CollapseCategories, AutoExpandCategories = ("Default"))
 CUBaseEventServes as the base class for all events for our event-managers system. The class includes functions for initializing the event with an executor
 CUBaseManagerIt provides functionalities for handling events, sending events, and managing a private owner. It includes a Handlers map to store event handlers for different event types
 CUBasicResponseDataUObject class representing basic response data
 CUBasicWidgetBase class for user widgets in the PixoCore module
 CUBasicWidgetInfoUDataAsset class representing basic widget information
 CUBI_InteractiveObject_CA blueprint class with 4 graphs
 CUBP_AdvancedButtonWidget_CA blueprint class with 1 graphs
 CUBP_KeyboardInterface_CA blueprint class with 5 graphs
 CUBP_SaveTutorial_CA blueprint class with 1 graphs
 CUBP_StoryManager_CA blueprint class with 2 graphs
 CUBPHelperMacro_CA blueprint class with 13 graphs
 CUButtonListWidgetCustom widget class representing a list of buttons
 CUButtonsListWidgetInfoData asset class representing information for a buttons list widget
 CUButtonWidgetCustom widget class representing a button
 CUButtonWidget_CA blueprint class with 2 graphs
 CUCheckButtonWidgetCustom button widget class representing a check button
 CUClearExperienceEventEvent called when all players have left the experience, indicating that the experience should be cleared and reset
 CUControlRemindersW_CA blueprint class with 1 graphs
 CUControlsReminderWidgetControls reminder widget in the PixoCore module
 CUControlsReminderWidgetInfoWidget information class for the controls reminder widget in the PixoCore module
 CUDebugButtonW_CA blueprint class with 2 graphs
 CUDebugDisplayAllStepsW_CA blueprint class with 2 graphs
 CUDebugStepsDisplayWidget_CA blueprint class with 2 graphs
 CUDelayDataUCLASS(Blueprintable, BlueprintType, EditInlineNew, HideCategories = ("DoNotShow"), CollapseCategories, AutoExpandCategories = ("Default"))
 CUDemoInteractiveExperienceManager_CA blueprint class with 1 graphs
 CUDemoInteractiveSoundManager_CA blueprint class with 1 graphs
 CUDemoLobbyExperienceManager_CA blueprint class with 1 graphs
 CUDemoStoryManager_CA blueprint class with 1 graphs
 CUDemoStreamingLevelManager_CA blueprint class with 1 graphs
 CUDialogueK2Node_SelectUCLASS(MinimalAPI, Meta=(Keywords = "Ternary If"))
 CUDialogueK2Node_SelectFloatUCLASS(MinimalAPI, Meta=(Keywords = "Ternary If"))
 CUDialogueK2Node_SelectNameUCLASS(MinimalAPI, Meta=(Keywords = "Ternary If"))
 CUDialogueK2Node_SelectOnSpeakerStateUCLASS(MinimalAPI, Meta=(Keywords = "Ternary If"))
 CUDlgConditionCustomUCLASS(Blueprintable, BlueprintType, Abstract, EditInlineNew)
 CUDlgConditionCustomHideCategoriesUCLASS(Blueprintable, BlueprintType, Abstract, EditInlineNew, CollapseCategories)
 CUDlgDialogueUCLASS(BlueprintType, Meta = (DisplayThumbnail = "true"))
 CUDlgDialogueParticipantUINTERFACE(BlueprintType, Blueprintable)
 CUDlgEventCustomUCLASS(Blueprintable, BlueprintType, Abstract, EditInlineNew)
 CUDlgEventCustomHideCategoriesUCLASS(Blueprintable, BlueprintType, Abstract, EditInlineNew, CollapseCategories)
 CUDlgNodeUCLASS(BlueprintType, Abstract, EditInlineNew, ClassGroup = "Dialogue")
 CUDlgNode_EndUCLASS(BlueprintType, ClassGroup = "Dialogue")
 CUDlgNode_SelectorUCLASS(BlueprintType, ClassGroup = "Dialogue")
 CUDlgNode_SpeechUCLASS(BlueprintType, ClassGroup = "Dialogue")
 CUDlgNode_SpeechSequenceUCLASS(BlueprintType, ClassGroup = "Dialogue")
 CUDlgNodeDataUCLASS(Blueprintable, BlueprintType, Abstract, EditInlineNew)
 CUDlgNodeDataHideCategoriesUCLASS(Blueprintable, BlueprintType, Abstract, EditInlineNew, CollapseCategories)
 CUDlgObjectUCLASS(Abstract, ClassGroup = "Dialogue", HideCategories = ("DoNotShow"), AutoExpandCategories = ("Default"))
 CUDlgSystemSettingsUCLASS(Config = Engine, DefaultConfig, meta = (DisplayName = "Dialogue System Settings"))
 CUDlgTextArgumentCustomUCLASS(Blueprintable, BlueprintType, Abstract, EditInlineNew)
 CUDlgTextArgumentCustomHideCategoriesUCLASS(Blueprintable, BlueprintType, Abstract, EditInlineNew, CollapseCategories)
 CUEmptyLobbyWidget_CA blueprint class with 1 graphs
 CUEndOfStoryReachedEvent called when we complete last step
 CUEventDataUCLASS(Blueprintable, BlueprintType, EditInlineNew, HideCategories = ("DoNotShow"), CollapseCategories, AutoExpandCategories = ("Default"))
 CUExperienceManagerThe UExperienceManager serves as the manager for handling the overall game experience. The class manages the initialization, start, join, tick, leave, and end operations of the game experience. It also handles events and provides access to different managers
 CUFadeInAndFadeOutEventEvent used to call fade-in with auto fade-out
 CUFadeInEventEvent used to call fade-in
 CUFadeManagerManager that provides functionality for handling fade-in and fade-out effects for player. The class handles fade-in and fade-out events and also provides functions to open levels with fade effects and show fades. It also includes callbacks for fade-in and fade-out events
 CUFadeOutEventEvent used to call fade-out
 CUFadingComponentComponent responsible for fading meshes or actors smoothly
 CUGameManagerManager for managing player experience, accepts various events such as player teleportation, and can be expanded with properties that allow access to actors on the level
 CUGenericAudioDataUCLASS(Blueprintable, BlueprintType, EditInlineNew, HideCategories = ("DoNotShow"), CollapseCategories, AutoExpandCategories = ("Default"))
 CUGesturesDatabaseUCLASS(BlueprintType, Category = "VRGestures")
 CUGrab_CA blueprint class with 2 graphs
 CUGripMotionControllerComponentUCLASS(Blueprintable, meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent), ClassGroup = MotionController)
 CUGrippableBoxComponentUCLASS(Blueprintable, meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent), ClassGroup = (VRExpansionPlugin))
 CUGrippableCapsuleComponentUCLASS(Blueprintable, meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent, ChildCanTick), ClassGroup = (VRExpansionPlugin))
 CUGrippableSkeletalMeshComponentUCLASS(Blueprintable, meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent, ChildCanTick), ClassGroup = (VRExpansionPlugin))
 CUGrippableSphereComponentUCLASS(Blueprintable, meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent, ChildCanTick), ClassGroup = (VRExpansionPlugin))
 CUGrippableStaticMeshComponentUCLASS(Blueprintable, meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent,ChildCanTick), ClassGroup = (VRExpansionPlugin))
 CUGS_DefaultUCLASS(NotBlueprintable, ClassGroup = (VRExpansionPlugin))
 CUGS_ExtendedDefaultUCLASS(BlueprintType, ClassGroup = (VRExpansionPlugin), hideCategories = TickSettings)
 CUGS_GunToolsUCLASS(NotBlueprintable, ClassGroup = (VRExpansionPlugin), hideCategories = TickSettings)
 CUGS_InteractibleSettingsUCLASS(NotBlueprintable, ClassGroup = (VRExpansionPlugin), hideCategories = TickSettings)
 CUGS_LerpToHandUCLASS(NotBlueprintable, ClassGroup = (VRExpansionPlugin), hideCategories = TickSettings)
 CUGS_MeleeUCLASS(NotBlueprintable, ClassGroup = (VRExpansionPlugin), hideCategories = TickSettings)
 CUGS_PhysicsUCLASS(NotBlueprintable, ClassGroup = (VRExpansionPlugin), hideCategories = TickSettings)
 CUHandSocketAnimInstanceUCLASS(transient, Blueprintable, hideCategories = AnimInstance, BlueprintType)
 CUHandSocketComponentUCLASS(Blueprintable, ClassGroup = (VRExpansionPlugin), hideCategories = ("Component Tick", Events, Physics, Lod, "Asset User Data", Collision))
 CUHighlightComponentComponent responsible for managing object highlighting
 CUHintActivatedEventEvent used to call when hint activated or deactivated
 CUHintManagerManager that provides functionality for managing hint activation events
 CUInitializationEventEvent called when we on init experience
 CUInversePhysicsSkeletalMeshComponentUCLASS(Blueprintable, meta = (ChildCanTick, BlueprintSpawnableComponent), ClassGroup = (VRExpansionPlugin))
 CULocalizationButtonW_CA blueprint class with 2 graphs
 CULocalizationW_CA blueprint class with 1 graphs
 CUModuleSelectionWidget_CA blueprint class with 1 graphs
 CUMultipleSelectionResponseDataUObject class representing multiple selection response data
 CUNewBlueprint_CA blueprint class with 2 graphs
 CUNewStepLoadedEventEvent called when new step is loaded
 CUNewStoryLoadedEventEvent called when new story is loaded
 CUNewSubStepLoadedEventEvent called when new sub-step is loaded
 CUNoRepSphereComponentUCLASS(Blueprintable, meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent, ChildCanTick), ClassGroup = (VRExpansionPlugin))
 CUOpenVRExpansionFunctionLibraryUCLASS(Blueprintable, meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent))
 CUOpenXRAnimInstanceUCLASS(transient, Blueprintable, hideCategories = AnimInstance, BlueprintType)
 CUOpenXRExpansionFunctionLibraryUCLASS(Blueprintable, meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent))
 CUOpenXRGestureDatabaseUCLASS(BlueprintType, Category = "VRGestures")
 CUOpenXRHandPoseComponentUCLASS(Blueprintable, meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent))
 CUOptionalRepSkeletalMeshComponentUCLASS(Blueprintable, meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent, ChildCanTick), ClassGroup = (VRExpansionPlugin))
 CUOptionalRepStaticMeshComponentUCLASS(Blueprintable, meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent,ChildCanTick), ClassGroup = (VRExpansionPlugin))
 CUParentRelativeAttachmentComponentUCLASS(Blueprintable, meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent), ClassGroup = VRExpansionLibrary)
 CUPixoCoreSettingsPixo Core Settings This class represents the settings for the Pixo Core module. It is used to configure various aspects of the module's behavior
 CUPixoTutorialSettingsUCLASS(Config = Game, DefaultConfig)
 CUPixoVRFunctionLibraryA library of custom functions related to PixoVR
 CUPixoVRInputAdapterA class for resolving and managing input mappings for different platforms
 CUPixoVRLoginCacheCache class for storing login information. It allows to save password of user, so the next time user launches app he will not need to type password again
 CUPixoVRLoginUI_CA blueprint class with 18 graphs
 CUPixoVRLongHoldComponentComponent for handling long hold functionality in PixoVR. Allows execution of a function when a button is held down for a specified duration
 CUPixoVRWristMenuItemTitleWidgetWidget class for the title of a PixoVR wrist menu item
 CUPixoVRWristMenuItemWidgetWidget class for the PixoVR wrist menu item. Use BindWidget to inform UBT that we want to control the widget form the c++ level
 CUPixoVRWristMenuTitleWidget_CA blueprint class with 1 graphs
 CUPixoVRWristMenuWidget_CA blueprint class with 1 graphs
 CUPlatformBasedDialogue_CA blueprint class with 1 graphs
 CUPlayerAlignComponentComponent that aligns an object to player
 CUPlayerJoinedEventEvent called when player joined the experience
 CUPlaySoundEventEvent used to call to play sound
 CUQuestionDataUCLASS(Blueprintable, BlueprintType, EditInlineNew, HideCategories = ("DoNotShow"), CollapseCategories, AutoExpandCategories = ("Default"))
 CURadioChatterDataUCLASS(Blueprintable, BlueprintType, EditInlineNew, HideCategories = ("DoNotShow"), CollapseCategories, AutoExpandCategories = ("Default"))
 CURemediationDataUCLASS(Blueprintable, BlueprintType, EditInlineNew, HideCategories = ("DoNotShow"), CollapseCategories, AutoExpandCategories = ("Default"))
 CUReplicatedVRCameraComponentUCLASS(Blueprintable, meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent), ClassGroup = VRExpansionLibrary)
 CUSingleSelectionResponseDataUObject class representing single selection response data
 CUSoundManagerManager that provides functionality for managing VOs and Hint VOs. To use this class you must attach data table to StepVODataTable, struct for the data table is FSteVO
 CUSoundManagerParametersDataRepresents a data asset containing Sound Manager parameters. Setup this data asset if you want to have different params depending on story
 CUStartPlayEventEvent called when we are starting experience
 CUSteamVRKeyboardComponentUCLASS(Blueprintable, meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent))
 CUStepCompletedEventEvent called when step is completed
 CUStoryComponentA component responsible for managing the story progression in story actors
 CUStoryManagerManager that provides handling story-related operations and data
 CUStoryScriptUCLASS(BlueprintType, Blueprintable, meta = (ShowWorldContexPin))
 CUStoryScriptClassDataData asset class for storing story script class data
 CUStreamingLevelManagerManager that provides functionality for managing streaming levels. Two options to use this class:
 CUStreamingLevelsActionFinishedEventEvent called when manager finishes loading or unloading levels
 CUVaRest_BreakJsonUCLASS(BlueprintType, Blueprintable)
 CUVaRest_MakeJsonUCLASS(BlueprintType, Blueprintable)
 CUVaRestJsonObjectUCLASS(BlueprintType, Blueprintable)
 CUVaRestJsonValueUCLASS(BlueprintType, Blueprintable)
 CUVaRestRequestJSONUCLASS(BlueprintType, Blueprintable)
 CUVaRestSettingsUCLASS(config = Engine, defaultconfig)
 CUVoicelineData_CA blueprint class with 1 graphs
 CUVRButtonComponentUCLASS(Blueprintable, meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent), ClassGroup = (VRExpansionPlugin))
 CUVRDialComponentUCLASS(Blueprintable, meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent), ClassGroup = (VRExpansionPlugin))
 CUVREPhysicalAnimationComponentUCLASS(meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent), ClassGroup = Physics)
 CUVREPhysicsConstraintComponentUCLASS(ClassGroup = Physics, meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent), HideCategories = (Activation, "Components|Activation", Physics, Mobility), ShowCategories = ("Physics|Components|PhysicsConstraint", "VRE Constraint Settings"))
 CUVRGestureComponentUCLASS(Blueprintable, meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent), ClassGroup = (VRExpansionPlugin))
 CUVRGlobalSettingsUCLASS(config = Engine, defaultconfig)
 CUVRGripScriptBaseUCLASS(NotBlueprintable, BlueprintType, EditInlineNew, DefaultToInstanced, Abstract, ClassGroup = (VRExpansionPlugin), HideCategories = DefaultSettings)
 CUVRGripScriptBaseBPUCLASS(Blueprintable, Abstract, ClassGroup = (VRExpansionPlugin), ShowCategories = DefaultSettings)
 CUVRLeverComponentUCLASS(Blueprintable, meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent), ClassGroup = (VRExpansionPlugin))
 CUVRLocalPlayerUCLASS(BlueprintType, Blueprintable, meta = (ShortTooltip = "Utility class, when set as the default local player it will spawn the target PlayerController class instead as the pending one"))
 CUVRLogComponentUCLASS(Blueprintable, meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent), ClassGroup = (VRExpansionPlugin))
 CUVRMountComponentUCLASS(Blueprintable, meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent), ClassGroup = (VRExpansionPlugin))
 CUVRRenderTargetManagerUCLASS(Blueprintable, meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent), ClassGroup = (VRExpansionPlugin))
 CUVRRootComponentUCLASS(Blueprintable, meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent), ClassGroup = VRExpansionLibrary)
 CUVRSliderComponentUCLASS(Blueprintable, meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent), ClassGroup = (VRExpansionPlugin))
 CUVRStereoWidgetComponentUCLASS(Blueprintable, meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent), ClassGroup = (VRExpansionPlugin))
 CUVRStereoWidgetRenderComponentUCLASS(Blueprintable, meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent), ClassGroup = (VRExpansionPlugin), HideCategories = ("Stereoscopic Properties", Collision))
 CUVRTrackedParentInterfaceUINTERFACE(MinimalAPI, meta = (CannotImplementInterfaceInBlueprint))
 CUW_ScoringBoard_CA blueprint class with 1 graphs
 CUW_VideoPanel_CA blueprint class with 1 graphs
 CUWBP_CommunicationTargets_CA blueprint class with 3 graphs
 CUWBP_Controls_CA blueprint class with 1 graphs
 CUWBP_CustomButton_CA blueprint class with 5 graphs
 CUWBP_DispatchMain_CA blueprint class with 2 graphs
 CUWBP_DispatchMenu_CA blueprint class with 1 graphs
 CUWBP_DispatchStatus_CA blueprint class with 3 graphs
 CUWBP_IgnitionMenu_CA blueprint class with 1 graphs
 CUWBP_QuitMenu_CA blueprint class with 1 graphs
 CUWBP_VRKeyboard_CA blueprint class with 11 graphs