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A Demo Project for the UnrealEngineSDK
Pixo VR Character This class represents the main character in the Pixo VR game. It extends the AVRCharacter class and provides functionality for teleportation, laser beams, wrist menu, hands, hints, and various input handling. More...
#include <PixoVRCharacter.h>
Public Member Functions | |
APixoVRCharacter () | |
void | ActivateFPSMode (bool Enable) |
For Windows. | |
void | ActivateHint () |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Hint") | |
void | ActivateLaserBeam (EControllerHand Hand, bool InActivate) |
Activate/Deactivate the Laser-beam. | |
void | ActivateProgressBar (EControllerHand Hand, bool InActivate) |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Server, Reliable, WithValidation, Category = "PixoVR") | |
void | ActivateTeleporter (EControllerHand Hand, bool InActivate) |
Activate/Deactivate the Teleporter. | |
void | ActivateWristMenu (EControllerHand Hand) |
Activate/Deactivate the Wrist Menu. | |
FVector | AddActorWorldRotationVR (FRotator DeltaRot, bool bUseYawOnly=true) |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "BaseVRCharacter|VRLocations") | |
virtual void | BeginPlay () override |
virtual bool | CanTeleport () const |
void | DeactivateHint () |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Hint") | |
void | ExecuteTeleportation (EControllerHand Hand) |
virtual void | ExtendedSimpleMoveToLocation (const FVector &GoalLocation, float AcceptanceRadius=-1, bool bStopOnOverlap=false, bool bUsePathfinding=true, bool bProjectDestinationToNavigation=true, bool bCanStrafe=false, TSubclassOf< UNavigationQueryFilter > FilterClass=NULL, bool bAllowPartialPath=true) override |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "VRBaseCharacter|Navigation", Meta = (AdvancedDisplay = "bStopOnOverlap,bCanStrafe,bAllowPartialPath")) | |
virtual void | GatherCurrentMovement () override |
bool | GetCurrentNavigationPathPoints (TArray< FVector > &NavigationPointList) |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "VRBaseCharacter|Navigation") | |
virtual void | GetLifetimeReplicatedProps (TArray< FLifetimeProperty > &OutLifetimeProps) const override |
EPathFollowingStatus::Type | GetMoveStatus () const |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "VRBaseCharacter|Navigation") | |
FVector | GetNavAgentLocation () const override |
virtual FVector | GetTargetLocation (AActor *RequestedBy) const override |
virtual FVector | GetTeleportLocation (FVector OriginalLocation) override |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "VRGrip") | |
FVector | GetVRForwardVector () const |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "BaseVRCharacter|VRLocations") | |
FVector | GetVRHeadLocation () const |
FVector | GetVRLocation () const |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "BaseVRCharacter|VRLocations") | |
FVector | GetVRLocation_Inline () const |
FVector | GetVRRightVector () const |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "BaseVRCharacter|VRLocations") | |
FRotator | GetVRRotation () const |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "BaseVRCharacter|VRLocations") | |
FVector | GetVRUpVector () const |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "BaseVRCharacter|VRLocations") | |
virtual void | GrabLeftPressed () |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Hands") | |
virtual void | GrabLeftReleased () |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Hands") | |
virtual void | GrabRightPressed () |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Hands") | |
virtual void | GrabRightReleased () |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Hands") | |
void | HandleActivateWristMenuPressed () |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable) | |
void | HandleActivateWristMenuPressedLeft () |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable) | |
void | HandleActivateWristMenuPressedRight () |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable) | |
void | HandleHandAnimationLaser (EControllerHand Hand) |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintImplementableEvent, BlueprintCallable, Category ="PixoVR") | |
void | HandleLaserBeamLeftPressed () |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable) | |
void | HandleLaserBeamRightPressed () |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable) | |
void | HandleLaserReleaseLeft () |
void | HandleLaserReleaseRight () |
void | HandleLaserSelect (EControllerHand Hand, bool Pressed) |
void | HandleLaserSelectEvent (EControllerHand Hand, bool Pressed) |
UFUNCTION(Server, Reliable) | |
void | HandleLaserSelectLeft () |
void | HandleLaserSelectRight () |
void | HandleSelectWristMenuItemPressed () |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable) | |
virtual void | HandleSelectWristMenuItemPressedLeft () |
virtual void | HandleSelectWristMenuItemPressedRight () |
void | HandleTeleportLeftPressed () |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable) | |
void | HandleTeleportLeftReleased () |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable) | |
void | HandleTeleportLeftRight (float Value) |
UFUNCTION(Server, Unreliable, WithValidation) | |
void | HandleTeleportLeftUp (float Value) |
UFUNCTION(Server, Unreliable, WithValidation) | |
void | HandleTeleportRightPressed () |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable) | |
void | HandleTeleportRightReleased () |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable) | |
void | HandleTeleportRightRight (float Value) |
UFUNCTION(Server, Unreliable, WithValidation) | |
void | HandleTeleportRightUp (float Value) |
UFUNCTION(Server, Unreliable, WithValidation) | |
virtual void | HandleWristMenuDoubleTap (FKey InputKey) |
virtual void | HandleWristMenuItem1Pressed () |
virtual void | HandleWristMenuItem2Pressed () |
virtual void | HandleWristMenuItem3Pressed () |
virtual void | HandleWristMenuItem4Pressed () |
virtual void | HandleWristMenuItem5Pressed () |
virtual void | HandleWristMenuItem6Pressed () |
virtual void | HandleWristMenuItem7Pressed () |
virtual void | HandleWristMenuItem8Pressed () |
bool | HasPartialPath () const |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "VRBaseCharacter|Navigation") | |
void | InitSeatedModeTransition () |
void | IsLaserActivated (bool &IsActivated, EControllerHand &Hand) |
void | IsOverWidgetUse (EControllerHand Hand, bool InPressed) |
UFUNCTION(Server, Reliable, WithValidation) | |
FVector | K2_GetVRHeadLocation () const |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "BaseVRCharacter|VRLocations", meta = (DisplayName = "GetVRHeadLocation", ScriptName = "GetVRHeadLocation", Keywords = "position")) | |
void | LookUpAtRate (float Rate) |
void | MoveForward (float Value) |
void | MoveRight (float Value) |
void | MulticastActivateTeleporter (EControllerHand Hand, bool InActivate) |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, NetMulticast, Reliable, Category = "PixoVR") | |
void | MultiHandleLaserSelectEvent (EControllerHand Hand, bool Pressed) |
UFUNCTION(NetMulticast, Reliable) | |
virtual void | NavigationMoveCompleted (FAIRequestID RequestID, const FPathFollowingResult &Result) |
void | NotifyActivateTeleporter (EControllerHand Hand, bool InActivate) |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Server, Reliable, WithValidation, Category = "PixoVR") | |
virtual void | NotifyOfTeleport (bool bRegisterAsTeleport=true) |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "VRGrip") | |
void | OnBeginWallPushback (FHitResult HitResultOfImpact, bool bHadLocomotionInput, FVector HmdInput) |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintNativeEvent, Category = "VRMovement") | |
virtual void | OnBeginWallPushback_Implementation (FHitResult HitResultOfImpact, bool bHadLocomotionInput, FVector HmdInput) |
void | OnClimbingSteppedUp () |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintNativeEvent, BlueprintCallable, Category = "VRMovement") | |
virtual void | OnClimbingSteppedUp_Implementation () |
void | OnCustomMoveActionPerformed (EVRMoveAction MoveActionType, FVector MoveActionVector, FRotator MoveActionRotator, uint8 MoveActionFlags) |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintNativeEvent, Category = "VRMovement") | |
virtual void | OnCustomMoveActionPerformed_Implementation (EVRMoveAction MoveActionType, FVector MoveActionVector, FRotator MoveActionRotator, uint8 MoveActionFlags) |
void | OnEndWallPushback () |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintNativeEvent, Category = "VRMovement") | |
virtual void | OnEndWallPushback_Implementation () |
void | OnRep_CapsuleHeight () |
virtual void | OnRep_Controller () override |
virtual void | OnRep_PlayerState () override |
virtual void | OnRep_ReplicatedMovement () override |
virtual void | OnRep_SeatedCharInfo () |
void | OnSeatedModeChanged (bool bNewSeatedMode, bool bWasAlreadySeated) |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintNativeEvent, Category = "Seating") | |
virtual void | OnSeatedModeChanged_Implementation (bool bNewSeatedMode, bool bWasAlreadySeated) |
void | OnSeatThreshholdChanged (bool bIsWithinThreshold, float ToThresholdScaler) |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintNativeEvent, Category = "Seating") | |
virtual void | OnSeatThreshholdChanged_Implementation (bool bIsWithinThreshold, float ToThresholdScaler) |
FOnTeleportationActivated & | OnTeleportationActivated () |
void | PerformIsOverWidgetUse (EControllerHand Hand, bool InPressed) |
UFUNCTION(Client, Reliable) | |
virtual void | PossessedBy (AController *NewController) override |
virtual void | PostInitializeComponents () override |
virtual void | PreReplication (IRepChangedPropertyTracker &ChangedPropertyTracker) override |
void | ReceiveNavigationMoveCompleted (EPathFollowingResult::Type PathingResult) |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintImplementableEvent, Category = "VRBaseCharacter|Navigation") | |
virtual void | RegenerateOffsetComponentToWorld (bool bUpdateBounds, bool bCalculatePureYaw) override |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "BaseVRCharacter|VRLocations") | |
void | ResetHand (bool RightHand) |
Reset hand animation to Open state and drop any object holding. | |
void | ResetHandHoldingObject () |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Hands") | |
void | SelectWristMenu (EControllerHand Hand) |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable) | |
void | Server_ReZeroSeating (FTransform_NetQuantize NewTargetTransform, FTransform_NetQuantize NewInitialRelCameraTransform, bool bZeroToHead=true) |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Server, Reliable, WithValidation, Category = "BaseVRCharacter", meta = (DisplayName = "ReZeroSeating")) | |
void | Server_SendTransformCamera (FBPVRComponentPosRep NewTransform) |
UFUNCTION(Unreliable, Server, WithValidation) | |
void | Server_SendTransformLeftController (FBPVRComponentPosRep NewTransform) |
UFUNCTION(Unreliable, Server, WithValidation) | |
void | Server_SendTransformRightController (FBPVRComponentPosRep NewTransform) |
UFUNCTION(Unreliable, Server, WithValidation) | |
void | Server_SetSeatedMode (USceneComponent *SeatParent, bool bSetSeatedMode, FTransform_NetQuantize TargetTransform, FTransform_NetQuantize InitialRelCameraTransform, float AllowedRadius=40.0f, float AllowedRadiusThreshold=20.0f, bool bZeroToHead=true, EVRConjoinedMovementModes PostSeatedMovementMode=EVRConjoinedMovementModes::C_MOVE_Walking) |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Server, Reliable, WithValidation, Category = "BaseVRCharacter", meta = (DisplayName = "SetSeatedMode")) | |
FVector | SetActorLocationAndRotationVR (FVector NewLoc, FRotator NewRot, bool bUseYawOnly=true, bool bAccountForHMDRotation=true, bool bTeleport=false) |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "BaseVRCharacter|VRLocations") | |
FVector | SetActorLocationVR (FVector NewLoc, bool bTeleport) |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "BaseVRCharacter|VRLocations") | |
FVector | SetActorRotationVR (FRotator NewRot, bool bUseYawOnly=true, bool bAccountForHMDRotation=true) |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "BaseVRCharacter|VRLocations") | |
virtual void | SetCharacterHalfHeightVR (float HalfHeight, bool bUpdateOverlaps=true) override |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "BaseVRCharacter") | |
virtual void | SetCharacterSizeVR (float NewRadius, float NewHalfHeight, bool bUpdateOverlaps=true) override |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "BaseVRCharacter") | |
bool | SetSeatedMode (USceneComponent *SeatParent, bool bSetSeatedMode, FTransform TargetTransform, FTransform InitialRelCameraTransform, float AllowedRadius=40.0f, float AllowedRadiusThreshold=20.0f, bool bZeroToHead=true, EVRConjoinedMovementModes PostSeatedMovementMode=EVRConjoinedMovementModes::C_MOVE_Walking) |
void | SetSeatRelativeLocationAndRotationVR (FVector LocDelta) |
virtual void | SetupPlayerInputComponent (UInputComponent *PlayerInputComponent) override |
void | ShowTool (EControllerHand Hand, AActor *Tool) |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable) | |
AActor * | SpawnActorInHand (TSubclassOf< AActor > ActorClass, bool RightHand) |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Hands") | |
void | SpawnLaserBeam (EControllerHand Hand, bool InActivate) |
void | SpawnProgressBar () |
UFUNCTION(Server, Reliable, WithValidation) | |
void | SpawnTeleporter (EControllerHand Hand, bool InActivate) |
void | SpawnWristMenu () |
UFUNCTION(Server, Reliable, WithValidation) | |
void | StopNavigationMovement () |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "VRBaseCharacter|Navigation") | |
virtual bool | TeleportTo (const FVector &DestLocation, const FRotator &DestRotation, bool bIsATest=false, bool bNoCheck=false) override |
virtual void | Tick (float DeltaTime) override |
void | TickSeatInformation (float DeltaTime) |
void | TurnAtRate (float Rate) |
virtual void | TurnVRLeft () |
virtual void | TurnVRRight () |
void | UpdateClimbingMovement (float DeltaTime) |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintNativeEvent, meta = (DisplayName = "UpdateClimbingMovement", ScriptName = "UpdateClimbingMovement")) | |
virtual void | UpdateClimbingMovement_Implementation (float DeltaTime) |
void | UpdateLowGravMovement (float DeltaTime) |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintNativeEvent, meta = (DisplayName = "UpdateLowGravMovement", ScriptName = "UpdateLowGravMovement")) | |
virtual void | UpdateLowGravMovement_Implementation (float DeltaTime) |
void | ZeroToSeatInformation () |
Public Attributes | |
bool | bActivateLeftLaser |
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, Replicated) | |
bool | bActivateRightLaser |
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, Replicated) | |
float | BaseLookUpRate |
float | BaseTurnRate |
bool | bDisableToolsInputBindings |
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category="PixoVR", Meta=(Tooltip="If checked, Laser, Teleporter and Wrist Menu input handling will be disabled.")) | |
bool | bFlagTeleported |
bool | bFlagTeleportedGrips |
bool | bLaserBeamActive |
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "PixoVR") | |
bool | bLeftLaserBeamIsActiveOnStart |
UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = "PixoVR") | |
UStaticMeshComponent * | Body |
UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "PixoVR", meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = "true")) | |
bool | bRightLaserBeamIsActiveOnStart |
UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = "PixoVR") | |
bool | bTeleporterEnabled = true |
Allows for disabling of Teleporter via BP. | |
bool | bTrackingPaused |
bool | bUseExperimentalUnseatModeFix |
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "VRBaseCharacter") | |
EControllerHand | CurrentWristMenuHand |
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, VisibleAnywhere, Replicated, Category= "PixoVR") | |
TSubclassOf< UNavigationQueryFilter > | DefaultNavigationFilterClass |
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadWrite, Category = AI) | |
float | DefaultPlayerHeight |
UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "PixoVR") | |
float | DeflectionAngle = 30.0f |
The angle by which we rotate the player. | |
UStaticMeshComponent * | FadeSphere |
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Fade") | |
UStaticMeshComponent * | Head |
UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "PixoVR", meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = "true")) | |
UHintManager * | HintManager |
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly) | |
bool | HoldToolLeft |
bool | HoldToolRight |
UDataTable * | InputsTable |
UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, BlueprintReadWrite, Category="PixoVR") | |
TSubclassOf< APixoVRLaser > | LaserControllerClass |
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "PixoVR") | |
APixoVRLaser * | LaserControllerLeft |
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, Replicated, Category = "PixoVR") | |
APixoVRLaser * | LaserControllerRight |
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, Replicated, Category = "PixoVR") | |
FKey | LastPressedKey |
FVector2D | LastTeleportLeftDirectionVector |
FVector2D | LastTeleportRightDirectionVector |
FName | LeftLaserBeamSocket |
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "PixoVR") | |
UGripMotionControllerComponent * | LeftMotionController |
UPROPERTY(Category = VRBaseCharacter, VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = "true")) | |
FName | LeftTeleporterSocket |
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "PixoVR") | |
UPixoVRLongHoldComponent * | LongHoldComponent |
UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "PixoVR", meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = "true")) | |
FVector | MirroredWristMenuScale |
USceneComponent * | NetSmoother |
UPROPERTY(Category = VRBaseCharacter, VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = "true")) | |
FTransform | OffsetComponentToWorld |
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, Transient, Category = "VRExpansionLibrary") | |
FVRPlayerNetworkCorrectedSignature | OnCharacterNetworkCorrected_Bind |
UPROPERTY(BlueprintAssignable, Category = "VRMovement") | |
FVRPlayerTeleportedSignature | OnCharacterTeleported_Bind |
UPROPERTY(BlueprintAssignable, Category = "VRMovement") | |
FOnHandGrabAction | OnHandGrabAction |
UPROPERTY(BlueprintAssignable, Category = "Hands") | |
FVRPlayerStateReplicatedSignature | OnPlayerStateReplicated_Bind |
UPROPERTY(BlueprintAssignable, Category = "VRMovement") | |
FVRSeatThresholdChangedSignature | OnSeatThreshholdChanged_Bind |
UPROPERTY(BlueprintAssignable, Category = "Seating") | |
FOnWristMenuActivated | OnWristMenuActivated |
UPROPERTY(BlueprintAssignable) | |
AVRPlayerController * | OwningVRPlayerController |
UPROPERTY(Transient, DuplicateTransient) | |
UParentRelativeAttachmentComponent * | ParentRelativeAttachment |
UPROPERTY(Category = VRBaseCharacter, VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = "true")) | |
FVector | PausedTrackingLoc |
float | PausedTrackingRot |
APixoVRCircleProgress * | ProgressBar |
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, Replicated, Category = "PixoVR", meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = "true")) | |
TSubclassOf< APixoVRCircleProgress > | ProgressBarClass |
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "PixoVR") | |
FVRReplicatedCapsuleHeight | ReplicatedCapsuleHeight |
UPROPERTY(Replicated, ReplicatedUsing = OnRep_CapsuleHeight) | |
struct FRepMovementVRCharacter | ReplicatedMovementVR |
UPROPERTY(ReplicatedUsing = OnRep_ReplicatedMovement) | |
FName | RightLaserBeamSocket |
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "PixoVR") | |
UGripMotionControllerComponent * | RightMotionController |
UPROPERTY(Category = VRBaseCharacter, VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = "true")) | |
FName | RightTeleporterSocket |
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "PixoVR") | |
FVRSeatedCharacterInfo | SeatInformation |
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, Replicated, EditAnywhere, Category = "Seating", ReplicatedUsing = OnRep_SeatedCharInfo) | |
TSubclassOf< APixoVRTeleporter > | TeleportControllerClass |
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "PixoVR") | |
APixoVRTeleporter * | TeleportControllerLeft |
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, Replicated, Category = "PixoVR") | |
APixoVRTeleporter * | TeleportControllerRight |
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, Replicated, Category = "PixoVR") | |
FName | ToolSocket |
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "PixoVR") | |
TSubclassOf< APixoVRHand > | VRHandClass |
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Hands") | |
APixoVRHand * | VRHandLeft |
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, Category = "Hands") | |
APixoVRHand * | VRHandRight |
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, Category = "Hands") | |
UVRBaseCharacterMovementComponent * | VRMovementReference |
UPROPERTY(Category = VRBaseCharacter, VisibleAnywhere, Transient, BlueprintReadOnly, meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = "true")) | |
USceneComponent * | VRProxyComponent |
UPROPERTY(Category = VRBaseCharacter, VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = "true")) | |
bool | VRReplicateCapsuleHeight |
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Replicated, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "VRBaseCharacter") | |
UReplicatedVRCameraComponent * | VRReplicatedCamera |
UPROPERTY(Category = VRBaseCharacter, VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = "true")) | |
UVRRootComponent * | VRRootReference |
UPROPERTY(Category = VRCharacter, VisibleAnywhere, Transient, BlueprintReadOnly, meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = "true")) | |
APixoVRWristMenu * | WristMenu |
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, Replicated, Category = "PixoVR", meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = "true")) | |
TSubclassOf< APixoVRWristMenu > | WristMenuClass |
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "PixoVR") | |
USceneComponent * | WristMenuLoc |
UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "PixoVR") | |
FName | WristMenuSocket |
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "PixoVR") | |
Static Public Attributes | |
static FName | LeftMotionControllerComponentName |
static FName | ParentRelativeAttachmentComponentName |
static FName | ReplicatedCameraComponentName |
static FName | RightMotionControllerComponentName |
static FName | SmoothingSceneParentComponentName |
static FName | VRProxyComponentName |
Private Member Functions | |
void | PlayerDestroyed (AActor *Act) |
Private Attributes | |
bool | bFPSMode |
bool | bIsOverWidgetUse = false |
UPROPERTY(Replicated) | |
UPixoVRInputAdapter * | InputAdapter |
FOnTeleportationActivated | OnTeleportationActivatedEvent |
Pixo VR Character This class represents the main character in the Pixo VR game. It extends the AVRCharacter class and provides functionality for teleportation, laser beams, wrist menu, hands, hints, and various input handling.
Definition at line 34 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
APixoVRCharacter::APixoVRCharacter | ( | ) |
Definition at line 23 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
ReliableNetMulticast |
For Windows.
UFUNCTION(NetMulticast, Reliable)
BlueprintCallable |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Hint")
Definition at line 1114 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
ServerBlueprintCallableReliableWithValidation |
Activate/Deactivate the Laser-beam.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Server, Reliable, WithValidation, Category = "PixoVR")
ServerBlueprintCallableReliableWithValidation |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Server, Reliable, WithValidation, Category = "PixoVR")
BlueprintCallable |
Activate/Deactivate the Teleporter.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "PixoVR")
Definition at line 394 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
ServerBlueprintCallableReliableWithValidation |
Activate/Deactivate the Wrist Menu.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Server, Reliable, WithValidation, Category = "PixoVR")
inheritedBlueprintCallable |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "BaseVRCharacter|VRLocations")
Definition at line 777 of file VRBaseCharacter.cpp.
overridevirtual |
virtual |
Definition at line 369 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
BlueprintCallable |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Hint")
Definition at line 1104 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
void APixoVRCharacter::ExecuteTeleportation | ( | EControllerHand | Hand | ) |
Definition at line 374 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
overridevirtualinherited |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "VRBaseCharacter|Navigation", Meta = (AdvancedDisplay = "bStopOnOverlap,bCanStrafe,bAllowPartialPath"))
Reimplemented from AVRBaseCharacter.
Definition at line 78 of file VRCharacter.cpp.
overridevirtualinherited |
Definition at line 402 of file VRBaseCharacter.cpp.
private |
inheritedBlueprintCallable |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "VRBaseCharacter|Navigation")
Definition at line 1020 of file VRBaseCharacter.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Definition at line 279 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
inlineinheritedBlueprintCallable |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "VRBaseCharacter|Navigation")
Definition at line 857 of file VRBaseCharacter.h.
overrideinherited |
inlineoverridevirtualinherited |
Definition at line 574 of file VRBaseCharacter.h.
overridevirtualinherited |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "VRGrip")
Reimplemented from AVRBaseCharacter.
Definition at line 32 of file VRCharacter.cpp.
inlineinheritedBlueprintPure |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "BaseVRCharacter|VRLocations")
Definition at line 509 of file VRBaseCharacter.h.
inlineinherited |
Definition at line 568 of file VRBaseCharacter.h.
inlineinheritedBlueprintPure |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "BaseVRCharacter|VRLocations")
Definition at line 539 of file VRBaseCharacter.h.
inlineinherited |
inlineinheritedBlueprintPure |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "BaseVRCharacter|VRLocations")
Definition at line 519 of file VRBaseCharacter.h.
inlineinheritedBlueprintPure |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "BaseVRCharacter|VRLocations")
Definition at line 554 of file VRBaseCharacter.h.
inlineinheritedBlueprintPure |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "BaseVRCharacter|VRLocations")
Definition at line 529 of file VRBaseCharacter.h.
virtualBlueprintCallable |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Hands")
Definition at line 887 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
virtualBlueprintCallable |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Hands")
Definition at line 974 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
virtualBlueprintCallable |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Hands")
Definition at line 840 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
virtualBlueprintCallable |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Hands")
Definition at line 934 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
BlueprintCallable |
Definition at line 1333 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
BlueprintCallable |
Definition at line 1192 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
BlueprintCallable |
Definition at line 1197 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
BlueprintImplementableEventBlueprintCallable |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintImplementableEvent, BlueprintCallable, Category ="PixoVR")
BlueprintCallable |
Definition at line 509 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
BlueprintCallable |
Definition at line 553 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
void APixoVRCharacter::HandleLaserReleaseLeft | ( | ) |
Definition at line 695 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
void APixoVRCharacter::HandleLaserReleaseRight | ( | ) |
Definition at line 715 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
void APixoVRCharacter::HandleLaserSelect | ( | EControllerHand | Hand, |
bool | Pressed ) |
Definition at line 735 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
ServerReliable |
UFUNCTION(Server, Reliable)
void APixoVRCharacter::HandleLaserSelectLeft | ( | ) |
Definition at line 685 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
void APixoVRCharacter::HandleLaserSelectRight | ( | ) |
Definition at line 705 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
BlueprintCallable |
Definition at line 1338 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
virtual |
Definition at line 1360 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
virtual |
Definition at line 1368 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
BlueprintCallable |
Definition at line 329 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
BlueprintCallable |
Definition at line 339 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
UnreliableServerWithValidation |
UFUNCTION(Server, Unreliable, WithValidation)
UnreliableServerWithValidation |
UFUNCTION(Server, Unreliable, WithValidation)
BlueprintCallable |
Definition at line 349 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
BlueprintCallable |
Definition at line 359 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
UnreliableServerWithValidation |
UFUNCTION(Server, Unreliable, WithValidation)
UnreliableServerWithValidation |
UFUNCTION(Server, Unreliable, WithValidation)
virtual |
Definition at line 1202 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
virtual |
Definition at line 1376 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
virtual |
Definition at line 1381 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
virtual |
Definition at line 1386 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
virtual |
Definition at line 1391 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
virtual |
Definition at line 1396 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
virtual |
Definition at line 1401 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
virtual |
Definition at line 1406 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
virtual |
Definition at line 1411 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
inlineinheritedBlueprintCallable |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "VRBaseCharacter|Navigation")
Returns true if the current PathFollowingComponent's path is partial (does not reach desired destination).
Definition at line 875 of file VRBaseCharacter.h.
inherited |
Definition at line 486 of file VRBaseCharacter.cpp.
void APixoVRCharacter::IsLaserActivated | ( | bool & | IsActivated, |
EControllerHand & | Hand ) |
Definition at line 598 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
ServerWithValidationReliable |
UFUNCTION(Server, Reliable, WithValidation)
inlineinheritedBlueprintPure |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "BaseVRCharacter|VRLocations", meta = (DisplayName = "GetVRHeadLocation", ScriptName = "GetVRHeadLocation", Keywords = "position"))
Definition at line 563 of file VRBaseCharacter.h.
void APixoVRCharacter::LookUpAtRate | ( | float | Rate | ) |
void APixoVRCharacter::MoveForward | ( | float | Value | ) |
Definition at line 820 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
void APixoVRCharacter::MoveRight | ( | float | Value | ) |
Definition at line 825 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
BlueprintCallableReliableNetMulticast |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, NetMulticast, Reliable, Category = "PixoVR")
ReliableNetMulticast |
UFUNCTION(NetMulticast, Reliable)
inlinevirtualinherited |
Definition at line 847 of file VRBaseCharacter.h.
ServerBlueprintCallableReliableWithValidation |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Server, Reliable, WithValidation, Category = "PixoVR")
virtualinheritedBlueprintCallable |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "VRGrip")
Definition at line 336 of file VRBaseCharacter.cpp.
inheritedBlueprintNativeEvent |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintNativeEvent, Category = "VRMovement")
virtualinherited |
Definition at line 280 of file VRBaseCharacter.cpp.
inheritedBlueprintCallableBlueprintNativeEvent |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintNativeEvent, BlueprintCallable, Category = "VRMovement")
virtualinherited |
Definition at line 290 of file VRBaseCharacter.cpp.
inheritedBlueprintNativeEvent |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintNativeEvent, Category = "VRMovement")
virtualinherited |
Definition at line 275 of file VRBaseCharacter.cpp.
inheritedBlueprintNativeEvent |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintNativeEvent, Category = "VRMovement")
virtualinherited |
Definition at line 285 of file VRBaseCharacter.cpp.
inlineinherited |
Definition at line 442 of file VRBaseCharacter.h.
overridevirtualinherited |
Definition at line 145 of file VRBaseCharacter.cpp.
overridevirtualinherited |
Definition at line 151 of file VRBaseCharacter.cpp.
overridevirtualinherited |
virtualinherited |
Definition at line 424 of file VRBaseCharacter.cpp.
inheritedBlueprintNativeEvent |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintNativeEvent, Category = "Seating")
inlinevirtualinherited |
Definition at line 601 of file VRBaseCharacter.h.
inheritedBlueprintNativeEvent |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintNativeEvent, Category = "Seating")
inlinevirtualinherited |
Definition at line 610 of file VRBaseCharacter.h.
inline |
ClientReliable |
UFUNCTION(Client, Reliable)
private |
Definition at line 1124 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from AVRBaseCharacter.
Definition at line 296 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
overridevirtualinherited |
Definition at line 157 of file VRBaseCharacter.cpp.
overridevirtualinherited |
Definition at line 228 of file VRBaseCharacter.cpp.
inheritedBlueprintImplementableEvent |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintImplementableEvent, Category = "VRBaseCharacter|Navigation")
overridevirtualinherited |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "BaseVRCharacter|VRLocations")
Reimplemented from AVRBaseCharacter.
Definition at line 177 of file VRCharacter.cpp.
BlueprintCallable |
Reset hand animation to Open state and drop any object holding.
RightHand | Right or left hand. |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Hands")
Definition at line 1075 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
BlueprintCallable |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Hands")
Definition at line 1063 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
BlueprintCallable |
Definition at line 1352 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
inheritedBlueprintCallableReliableWithValidationServer |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Server, Reliable, WithValidation, Category = "BaseVRCharacter", meta = (DisplayName = "ReZeroSeating"))
inheritedWithValidationUnreliableServer |
UFUNCTION(Unreliable, Server, WithValidation)
inheritedWithValidationUnreliableServer |
UFUNCTION(Unreliable, Server, WithValidation)
inheritedWithValidationUnreliableServer |
UFUNCTION(Unreliable, Server, WithValidation)
inheritedBlueprintCallableReliableWithValidationServer |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Server, Reliable, WithValidation, Category = "BaseVRCharacter", meta = (DisplayName = "SetSeatedMode"))
inheritedBlueprintCallable |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "BaseVRCharacter|VRLocations")
Definition at line 845 of file VRBaseCharacter.cpp.
inheritedBlueprintCallable |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "BaseVRCharacter|VRLocations")
Definition at line 880 of file VRBaseCharacter.cpp.
inheritedBlueprintCallable |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "BaseVRCharacter|VRLocations")
Definition at line 807 of file VRBaseCharacter.cpp.
overridevirtualinherited |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "BaseVRCharacter")
Reimplemented from AVRBaseCharacter.
Definition at line 200 of file VRCharacter.cpp.
overridevirtualinherited |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "BaseVRCharacter")
Reimplemented from AVRBaseCharacter.
Definition at line 185 of file VRCharacter.cpp.
inherited |
inherited |
overridevirtual |
BlueprintCallable |
Definition at line 1087 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
BlueprintCallable |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Hands")
Automatically spawns an actor in the hand, simulates the process of grabbing an object with the hand.
ActorClass | Actor class to spawn |
RightHand | Whether actor should be spawned in right or left hand. |
Definition at line 1009 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
void APixoVRCharacter::SpawnLaserBeam | ( | EControllerHand | Hand, |
bool | InActivate ) |
Definition at line 640 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
ServerWithValidationReliable |
UFUNCTION(Server, Reliable, WithValidation)
void APixoVRCharacter::SpawnTeleporter | ( | EControllerHand | Hand, |
bool | InActivate ) |
Definition at line 423 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
ServerWithValidationReliable |
UFUNCTION(Server, Reliable, WithValidation)
inlineinheritedBlueprintCallable |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "VRBaseCharacter|Navigation")
Definition at line 893 of file VRBaseCharacter.h.
overridevirtual |
inherited |
void APixoVRCharacter::TurnAtRate | ( | float | Rate | ) |
virtual |
Definition at line 810 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
virtual |
Definition at line 815 of file PixoVRCharacter.cpp.
inheritedBlueprintNativeEvent |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintNativeEvent, meta = (DisplayName = "UpdateClimbingMovement", ScriptName = "UpdateClimbingMovement"))
Event for adding to the climbing movement mode. Called by CharacterMovement if MovementMode is set to Climbing.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Definition at line 494 of file VRBaseCharacter.h.
inheritedBlueprintNativeEvent |
UFUNCTION(BlueprintNativeEvent, meta = (DisplayName = "UpdateLowGravMovement", ScriptName = "UpdateLowGravMovement"))
Event for adding to the climbing movement mode. Called by CharacterMovement if MovementMode is set to Climbing.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Definition at line 483 of file VRBaseCharacter.h.
inlineinherited |
ReplicatedBlueprintReadOnly |
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, Replicated)
Definition at line 320 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
ReplicatedBlueprintReadOnly |
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, Replicated)
Definition at line 327 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
float APixoVRCharacter::BaseLookUpRate |
Definition at line 606 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
float APixoVRCharacter::BaseTurnRate |
Definition at line 605 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
EditAnywhereBlueprintReadWrite |
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category="PixoVR", Meta=(Tooltip="If checked, Laser, Teleporter and Wrist Menu input handling will be disabled."))
Definition at line 614 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
inherited |
Definition at line 363 of file VRBaseCharacter.h.
inherited |
Definition at line 364 of file VRBaseCharacter.h.
private |
Definition at line 653 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
privateReplicated |
Definition at line 661 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
BlueprintReadWrite |
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "PixoVR")
Definition at line 144 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
BlueprintReadOnlyEditDefaultsOnly |
UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = "PixoVR")
Definition at line 299 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
VisibleAnywhereBlueprintReadWrite |
UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "PixoVR", meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = "true"))
Definition at line 635 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
BlueprintReadOnlyEditDefaultsOnly |
UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = "PixoVR")
Definition at line 306 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
ReplicatedEditAnywhereBlueprintReadWrite |
Allows for disabling of Teleporter via BP.
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Replicated, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "PixoVR")
Definition at line 188 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
inherited |
Definition at line 365 of file VRBaseCharacter.h.
inheritedEditAnywhereBlueprintReadWrite |
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "VRBaseCharacter")
Definition at line 585 of file VRBaseCharacter.h.
ReplicatedVisibleAnywhereBlueprintReadOnly |
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, VisibleAnywhere, Replicated, Category= "PixoVR")
Definition at line 466 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
inheritedBlueprintReadWrite |
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadWrite, Category = AI)
Definition at line 910 of file VRBaseCharacter.h.
BlueprintReadWriteEditDefaultsOnly |
UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "PixoVR")
Definition at line 52 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
float APixoVRCharacter::DeflectionAngle = 30.0f |
The angle by which we rotate the player.
Definition at line 607 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
EditAnywhereBlueprintReadWrite |
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Fade")
Definition at line 579 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
VisibleAnywhereBlueprintReadWrite |
UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "PixoVR", meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = "true"))
Definition at line 628 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
BlueprintReadOnly |
Definition at line 592 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
bool APixoVRCharacter::HoldToolLeft |
Definition at line 559 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
bool APixoVRCharacter::HoldToolRight |
Definition at line 558 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
private |
Definition at line 651 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
BlueprintReadWriteEditDefaultsOnly |
UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, BlueprintReadWrite, Category="PixoVR")
Definition at line 621 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
EditAnywhereBlueprintReadWrite |
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "PixoVR")
Definition at line 313 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
ReplicatedBlueprintReadOnly |
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, Replicated, Category = "PixoVR")
Definition at line 285 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
ReplicatedBlueprintReadOnly |
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, Replicated, Category = "PixoVR")
Definition at line 292 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
FKey APixoVRCharacter::LastPressedKey |
Definition at line 640 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
FVector2D APixoVRCharacter::LastTeleportLeftDirectionVector |
Definition at line 637 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
FVector2D APixoVRCharacter::LastTeleportRightDirectionVector |
Definition at line 638 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
EditAnywhereBlueprintReadWrite |
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "PixoVR")
Definition at line 271 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
inheritedBlueprintReadOnlyVisibleAnywhere |
UPROPERTY(Category = VRBaseCharacter, VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = "true"))
Definition at line 767 of file VRBaseCharacter.h.
staticinherited |
Name of the LeftMotionController component. Use this name if you want to use a different class (with ObjectInitializer.SetDefaultSubobjectClass).
Definition at line 777 of file VRBaseCharacter.h.
EditAnywhereBlueprintReadWrite |
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "PixoVR")
Definition at line 151 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
VisibleAnywhereBlueprintReadWrite |
UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "PixoVR", meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = "true"))
Definition at line 449 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
FVector APixoVRCharacter::MirroredWristMenuScale |
Definition at line 458 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
inheritedBlueprintReadOnlyVisibleAnywhere |
UPROPERTY(Category = VRBaseCharacter, VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = "true"))
Definition at line 729 of file VRBaseCharacter.h.
inheritedTransientBlueprintReadOnly |
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, Transient, Category = "VRExpansionLibrary")
Definition at line 502 of file VRBaseCharacter.h.
inheritedBlueprintAssignable |
UPROPERTY(BlueprintAssignable, Category = "VRMovement")
Definition at line 385 of file VRBaseCharacter.h.
inheritedBlueprintAssignable |
UPROPERTY(BlueprintAssignable, Category = "VRMovement")
Definition at line 378 of file VRBaseCharacter.h.
BlueprintAssignable |
UPROPERTY(BlueprintAssignable, Category = "Hands")
Definition at line 585 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
inheritedBlueprintAssignable |
UPROPERTY(BlueprintAssignable, Category = "VRMovement")
Definition at line 392 of file VRBaseCharacter.h.
inheritedBlueprintAssignable |
UPROPERTY(BlueprintAssignable, Category = "Seating")
Definition at line 617 of file VRBaseCharacter.h.
private |
Definition at line 655 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
BlueprintAssignable |
Definition at line 472 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
inheritedDuplicateTransientTransient |
UPROPERTY(Transient, DuplicateTransient)
BaseVR Character movement component belongs to
Definition at line 348 of file VRBaseCharacter.h.
inheritedBlueprintReadOnlyVisibleAnywhere |
UPROPERTY(Category = VRBaseCharacter, VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = "true"))
Definition at line 760 of file VRBaseCharacter.h.
staticinherited |
Name of the ParentRelativeAttachment component. Use this name if you want to use a different class (with ObjectInitializer.SetDefaultSubobjectClass).
Definition at line 786 of file VRBaseCharacter.h.
inherited |
Definition at line 366 of file VRBaseCharacter.h.
inherited |
Definition at line 367 of file VRBaseCharacter.h.
ReplicatedBlueprintReadOnly |
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, Replicated, Category = "PixoVR", meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = "true"))
Definition at line 456 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
EditAnywhereBlueprintReadWrite |
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "PixoVR")
Definition at line 428 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
staticinherited |
Name of the VRReplicatedCamera component. Use this name if you want to use a different class (with ObjectInitializer.SetDefaultSubobjectClass).
Definition at line 783 of file VRBaseCharacter.h.
inheritedReplicated |
UPROPERTY(Replicated, ReplicatedUsing = OnRep_CapsuleHeight)
Definition at line 437 of file VRBaseCharacter.h.
inherited |
UPROPERTY(ReplicatedUsing = OnRep_ReplicatedMovement)
Used for replication of our RootComponent's position and velocity
Definition at line 361 of file VRBaseCharacter.h.
EditAnywhereBlueprintReadWrite |
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "PixoVR")
Definition at line 278 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
inheritedBlueprintReadOnlyVisibleAnywhere |
UPROPERTY(Category = VRBaseCharacter, VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = "true"))
Definition at line 774 of file VRBaseCharacter.h.
staticinherited |
Name of the RightMotionController component. Use this name if you want to use a different class (with ObjectInitializer.SetDefaultSubobjectClass).
Definition at line 780 of file VRBaseCharacter.h.
EditAnywhereBlueprintReadWrite |
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "PixoVR")
Definition at line 158 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
inheritedEditAnywhereReplicatedBlueprintReadOnly |
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, Replicated, EditAnywhere, Category = "Seating", ReplicatedUsing = OnRep_SeatedCharInfo)
Definition at line 593 of file VRBaseCharacter.h.
staticinherited |
Name of the net smoother component. Use this name if you want to use a different class (with ObjectInitializer.SetDefaultSubobjectClass).
Definition at line 789 of file VRBaseCharacter.h.
EditAnywhereBlueprintReadWrite |
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "PixoVR")
Definition at line 179 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
ReplicatedBlueprintReadOnly |
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, Replicated, Category = "PixoVR")
Definition at line 165 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
ReplicatedBlueprintReadOnly |
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, Replicated, Category = "PixoVR")
Definition at line 172 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
EditAnywhereBlueprintReadWrite |
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "PixoVR")
Definition at line 572 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
EditAnywhereBlueprintReadWrite |
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Hands")
Definition at line 498 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
BlueprintReadOnly |
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, Category = "Hands")
Definition at line 504 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
BlueprintReadOnly |
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, Category = "Hands")
Definition at line 509 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
inheritedTransientBlueprintReadOnlyVisibleAnywhere |
UPROPERTY(Category = VRBaseCharacter, VisibleAnywhere, Transient, BlueprintReadOnly, meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = "true"))
Definition at line 746 of file VRBaseCharacter.h.
inheritedBlueprintReadOnlyVisibleAnywhere |
UPROPERTY(Category = VRBaseCharacter, VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = "true"))
Definition at line 738 of file VRBaseCharacter.h.
staticinherited |
Name of the vr proxy component. Use this name if you want to use a different class (with ObjectInitializer.SetDefaultSubobjectClass).
Definition at line 792 of file VRBaseCharacter.h.
inheritedEditAnywhereBlueprintReadWriteReplicated |
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Replicated, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "VRBaseCharacter")
Definition at line 430 of file VRBaseCharacter.h.
inheritedBlueprintReadOnlyVisibleAnywhere |
UPROPERTY(Category = VRBaseCharacter, VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = "true"))
Definition at line 753 of file VRBaseCharacter.h.
inheritedTransientBlueprintReadOnlyVisibleAnywhere |
UPROPERTY(Category = VRCharacter, VisibleAnywhere, Transient, BlueprintReadOnly, meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = "true"))
Definition at line 38 of file VRCharacter.h.
ReplicatedBlueprintReadOnly |
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, Replicated, Category = "PixoVR", meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = "true"))
Definition at line 442 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
EditAnywhereBlueprintReadWrite |
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "PixoVR")
Definition at line 421 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
VisibleAnywhereBlueprintReadWrite |
UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "PixoVR")
Definition at line 414 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.
EditAnywhereBlueprintReadWrite |
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "PixoVR")
Definition at line 435 of file PixoVRCharacter.h.