A Demo Project for the UnrealEngineSDK
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SFindInDialogues Class Reference

#include <SFindInDialogues.h>

Inheritance diagram for SFindInDialogues:

Public Member Functions

 ~SFindInDialogues ()
void CloseHostTab ()
void Construct (const FArguments &InArgs, const TSharedPtr< FDialogueEditor > &InDialogueEditor=nullptr)
void FocusForUse (bool bSetFindWithinDialogue, const FDialogueSearchFilter &SearchFilter=FDialogueSearchFilter(), bool bSelectFirstResult=false)
FName GetHostTabId () const
void MakeSearchQuery (const FDialogueSearchFilter &SearchFilter, bool bInIsFindWithinDialogue)

Private Types

typedef SFindInDialogues Self

Private Member Functions

TSharedRef< SWidget > FillFilterEntries ()
TSharedPtr< SWidget > HandleContextMenuOpening ()
void HandleFindModeChanged (ECheckBoxState CheckState)
TSharedRef< ITableRow > HandleGenerateRow (TSharedPtr< FDialogueSearchResult > InItem, const TSharedRef< STableViewBase > &OwnerTable)
void HandleGetChildren (TSharedPtr< FDialogueSearchResult > InItem, TArray< TSharedPtr< FDialogueSearchResult > > &OutChildren)
ECheckBoxState HandleGetFindModeChecked () const
void HandleHostTabClosed (TSharedRef< SDockTab > DockTab)
FReply HandleOpenGlobalFindResults ()
void HandleSearchTextChanged (const FText &Text)
void HandleSearchTextCommitted (const FText &Text, ETextCommit::Type CommitType)
void HandleTreeSelectionDoubleClicked (TSharedPtr< FDialogueSearchResult > Item)

Private Attributes

bool bIsInFindWithinDialogueMode
TSharedPtr< FUICommandList > CommandList
FDialogueSearchFilter CurrentFilter
TWeakPtr< FDialogueEditorDialogueEditorPtr
FText HighlightText
TWeakPtr< SDockTab > HostTab
TArray< TSharedPtr< FDialogueSearchResult > > ItemsFound
TWeakPtr< SVerticalBox > MainVerticalBoxWidget
TSharedPtr< FDialogueSearchResultRootSearchResult
TSharedPtr< SSearchBox > SearchTextBoxWidget
TSharedPtr< STreeView< TSharedPtr< FDialogueSearchResult > > > TreeView

Detailed Description

Widget for searching across all dialogues or just a single dialogue

Definition at line 16 of file SFindInDialogues.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Self

Definition at line 19 of file SFindInDialogues.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~SFindInDialogues()

SFindInDialogues::~SFindInDialogues ( )

Definition at line 152 of file SFindInDialogues.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ CloseHostTab()

void SFindInDialogues::CloseHostTab ( )

If this is a global find results widget, ask the host tab to close

Definition at line 266 of file SFindInDialogues.cpp.

◆ Construct()

void SFindInDialogues::Construct ( const FArguments & InArgs,
const TSharedPtr< FDialogueEditor > & InDialogueEditor = nullptr )

Definition at line 23 of file SFindInDialogues.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ FillFilterEntries()

TSharedRef< SWidget > SFindInDialogues::FillFilterEntries ( )

Fills in the filter menu.

Definition at line 426 of file SFindInDialogues.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ FocusForUse()

void SFindInDialogues::FocusForUse ( bool bSetFindWithinDialogue,
const FDialogueSearchFilter & SearchFilter = FDialogueSearchFilter(),
bool bSelectFirstResult = false )

Focuses this widget's search box, and changes the mode as well, and optionally the search terms

Definition at line 157 of file SFindInDialogues.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetHostTabId()

FName SFindInDialogues::GetHostTabId ( ) const

If this is a global find results widget, returns the host tab's unique ID. Otherwise, returns NAME_None.

Definition at line 255 of file SFindInDialogues.cpp.

◆ HandleContextMenuOpening()

TSharedPtr< SWidget > SFindInDialogues::HandleContextMenuOpening ( )

Callback to build the context menu when right clicking in the tree

Definition at line 412 of file SFindInDialogues.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ HandleFindModeChanged()

void SFindInDialogues::HandleFindModeChanged ( ECheckBoxState CheckState)

Called when the find mode checkbox is hit

Definition at line 66 of file SFindInDialogues.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ HandleGenerateRow()

TSharedRef< ITableRow > SFindInDialogues::HandleGenerateRow ( TSharedPtr< FDialogueSearchResult > InItem,
const TSharedRef< STableViewBase > & OwnerTable )

Definition at line 318 of file SFindInDialogues.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ HandleGetChildren()

void SFindInDialogues::HandleGetChildren ( TSharedPtr< FDialogueSearchResult > InItem,
TArray< TSharedPtr< FDialogueSearchResult > > & OutChildren )

Definition at line 305 of file SFindInDialogues.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ HandleGetFindModeChecked()

ECheckBoxState SFindInDialogues::HandleGetFindModeChecked ( ) const

Called to check what the find mode is for the checkbox

Definition at line 72 of file SFindInDialogues.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ HandleHostTabClosed()

void SFindInDialogues::HandleHostTabClosed ( TSharedRef< SDockTab > DockTab)

Called when the host tab is closed (if valid)

Definition at line 275 of file SFindInDialogues.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ HandleOpenGlobalFindResults()

FReply SFindInDialogues::HandleOpenGlobalFindResults ( )

Called when the user clicks the global find results button

Definition at line 294 of file SFindInDialogues.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ HandleSearchTextChanged()

void SFindInDialogues::HandleSearchTextChanged ( const FText & Text)

Called when user changes the text they are searching for

Definition at line 280 of file SFindInDialogues.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ HandleSearchTextCommitted()

void SFindInDialogues::HandleSearchTextCommitted ( const FText & Text,
ETextCommit::Type CommitType )

Called when user changes commits text to the search box

Definition at line 285 of file SFindInDialogues.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ HandleTreeSelectionDoubleClicked()

void SFindInDialogues::HandleTreeSelectionDoubleClicked ( TSharedPtr< FDialogueSearchResult > Item)

Definition at line 310 of file SFindInDialogues.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MakeSearchQuery()

void SFindInDialogues::MakeSearchQuery ( const FDialogueSearchFilter & SearchFilter,
bool bInIsFindWithinDialogue )

Submits a search query

SearchFilterFilter for search
bInIsFindWithinDialogueTRUE if searching within the current Dialogue only

Definition at line 191 of file SFindInDialogues.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:


SFindInDialogues::SLATE_BEGIN_ARGS ( Self )

Definition at line 22 of file SFindInDialogues.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ bIsInFindWithinDialogueMode

bool SFindInDialogues::bIsInFindWithinDialogueMode

Should we search within the current Dialogue only (rather than all Dialogues)

Definition at line 118 of file SFindInDialogues.h.

◆ CommandList

TSharedPtr<FUICommandList> SFindInDialogues::CommandList

Commands handled by this widget

Definition at line 124 of file SFindInDialogues.h.

◆ CurrentFilter

FDialogueSearchFilter SFindInDialogues::CurrentFilter

The current searach filter

Definition at line 115 of file SFindInDialogues.h.

◆ DialogueEditorPtr

TWeakPtr<FDialogueEditor> SFindInDialogues::DialogueEditorPtr

Pointer back to the Dialogue editor that owns us

Definition at line 94 of file SFindInDialogues.h.

◆ HighlightText

FText SFindInDialogues::HighlightText

Definition at line 112 of file SFindInDialogues.h.

◆ HostTab

TWeakPtr<SDockTab> SFindInDialogues::HostTab

Tab hosting this widget. May be invalid.

Definition at line 121 of file SFindInDialogues.h.

◆ ItemsFound

TArray<TSharedPtr<FDialogueSearchResult> > SFindInDialogues::ItemsFound

Definition at line 109 of file SFindInDialogues.h.

◆ MainVerticalBoxWidget

TWeakPtr<SVerticalBox> SFindInDialogues::MainVerticalBoxWidget

Vertical box, used to add and remove widgets dynamically

Definition at line 103 of file SFindInDialogues.h.

◆ RootSearchResult

TSharedPtr<FDialogueSearchResult> SFindInDialogues::RootSearchResult

In Find Within Dialogue mode, we need to keep a handle on the root result, because it won't show up in the tree.

Definition at line 106 of file SFindInDialogues.h.

◆ SearchTextBoxWidget

TSharedPtr<SSearchBox> SFindInDialogues::SearchTextBoxWidget

The search text box

Definition at line 100 of file SFindInDialogues.h.

◆ TreeView

TSharedPtr<STreeView<TSharedPtr<FDialogueSearchResult> > > SFindInDialogues::TreeView

Definition at line 97 of file SFindInDialogues.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: