Documentation for the Unreal C++ Plugin
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CEventLogServiceFunctionality for creating and managing events. It is a friend class of UExperienceManager and is responsible for handling event creation and initialization
 CFAxisKeyDataStructure representing axis key data for different platforms
 CFBackgroundSoundRepresents a parameter used by the Background Sound
 CFDeviceTextureStructure for storing device texture information
 CFFingerDataFFingerData is a structure that holds finger animation data
 CFOverlappingInfoFOverlappingInfo is a structure that holds information about overlapping actors and components
 CFPixoAdminStructure representing admin information
 CFPixoLoginInfoStructure representing login information
 CFPixoLoginReplyInfoStructure representing login reply information
 CFPixoUserStructure representing user information
 CFScriptClassDataStruct for holding script class data
 CFScriptInstanceDataStruct for holding script instance data
 CFSoundManagerParameterRepresents a parameter used by the Sound Manager that will be passed as you load story
 CFTransparentMaterialDataStruct used in Fadable component
 CEnumUtils::GetEnumValueAsText_Implementation< TEnum >
 CIGripResponseAnimationInterfaceInterface for grip response animation functionality
 CIHandAnimationInterfaceInterface for hand animation functionality
 CIPixoCoreInterfaceInterface for PixoCore functionality
 CIPixoVRInteractionInterfaceInterface for PixoVR interaction with laser functionality
 CIPixoVRStoryObjectInterface for PixoVR story object functionality
 CIPixoVRToolInterfaceInterface for PixoVR tool functionality
 CIPixoVRWristMenuInterfaceInterface for the Pixo VR Wrist Menu
 CIWristMenuWidgetInterfaceInterface for wrist menu widget functionality