Here is a list of all functions with links to the files they belong to:
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- DECLARE_DELEGATE_OneParam() : ButtonListWidget.h, BasicWidget.h
- DECLARE_DYNAMIC_DELEGATE() : PixoVRLongHoldComponent.h
- DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_DELEGATE() : StoryManager.h, HighlightComponent.h, FadingComponent.h, StoryManager.h, SoundManager.h, InteractionValve.h, FadeManager.h, BaseWristMenuButton.h, BaseWristMenu.h
- DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_OneParam() : StoryManager.h, ButtonWidget.h, StoryManager.h, PixoVRCharacter.h, HintManager.h, GameManager.h, InteractionButton.h, BaseGrippableStoryActor.h, GameManager.h
- DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_TwoParams() : BySpotTeleporter.h, ButtonWidget.h, StoryManager.h, PixoVRCharacter.h, PixoVRLaser.h
- DECLARE_LOG_CATEGORY_EXTERN() : PixoVRLaser.h, PixoVRFunctionLibrary.h, StoryManager.h, PixoVRCharacter.h, PixoVRTeleporter.h, PixoVRWristMenu.h
- DECLARE_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_TwoParams() : PixoVRCharacter.h
- DEFINE_LOG_CATEGORY() : PixoVRLaser.cpp, PixoVRWristMenu.cpp, PixoVRTeleporter.cpp, PixoVRCharacter.cpp, StoryManager.cpp, PixoVRFunctionLibrary.cpp
- DiscMaterial() : DiscMaterial.cpp
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