A Demo Project for the UnrealEngineSDK
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Todo List
Class ADynamicHieghtFloor
Rename to ADynamicHeightFloor
Class AIntroMediaScreen
Rename this class to AMediaScreen.
Class APixoVRToolBase
We need to update it because we have an ABaseGrippableStoryActor.
Class AWidgetController
Investigate all functionality and remove unnecessary.
Member ELoginRequestReply
Investigate whether this enum is necessary due to the existence of ApexSDK
Struct FPixoAdmin
Investigate whether this structure is necessary due to the existence of ApexSDK
Struct FPixoLoginInfo
Investigate whether this structure is necessary due to the existence of ApexSDK
Struct FPixoLoginReplyInfo
Investigate whether this structure is necessary due to the existence of ApexSDK
Struct FPixoToolData
Explore what the HandTool, SecondHandTool, and DroppedTool fields are for. If they are not needed, delete them.
Struct FPixoUser
Investigate whether this structure is necessary due to the existence of ApexSDK
Member IPixoVRWristMenuInterface::OnWristMenuItemSelectedRespond (UObject *Responder, EWristMenuInterfaceResponseEnum Response)
Research if we really need this function
Class UApexAPI
Uncomment out the Logout API call once it's implemented.
Member UBaseEvent::ListenersNum
TAtomic is deprecated, we should replace this
Class UBasicResponseData
Investigate what this is responsible for.
Member UBasicWidget::OnExitMenuEventDelegate
Investigate and probably remove because not all widgets have exit.
Class UPixoVRFunctionLibrary
Check if we need all this functions.
Class UPixoVRGripInterface
Remove this interface.
Class UPixoVRInputAdapter
Investigate if we need this or we can switch to standard or enhanced inputs.
Class UPixoVRLoginCache
Check if we are encrypting this info.