Documentation for the Unity C# Library
No Matches
PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem:

Public Member Functions

bool _CheckModuleAccess (int targetModuleID=-1)
string _GetAuthenticationToken ()
bool _LoginWithToken (string token)
void _ParsePassedData ()
void _ParseUrlData (string urlString)
virtual void OnDestroy ()
 When Unity quits, it destroys objects in a random order. In principle, a Singleton is only destroyed when application quits. If any script calls Instance after it have been destroyed, it will create a buggy ghost object that will stay on the Editor scene even after stopping playing the Application. Really bad! So, this was made to be sure we're not creating that buggy ghost object.

Static Public Member Functions

static void ChangePlatformServer (PlatformServer newServer)
static bool CheckModuleAccess (int targetModuleID=-1)
static bool CompleteSession (SessionData currentSessionData, Extension contextExtension=null, Extension resultExtension=null)
static void ExitApplication (string returnTarget)
static bool GenerateOneTimeLoginForCurrentUser ()
static string GetAuthenticationToken ()
static bool GetCurrentUser ()
static bool GetCurrentUserModules ()
static bool GetModulesList ()
static bool GetUser (int userId=-1)
static bool GetUserModules (int userId=-1)
static bool JoinSession (string scenarioID=null, Extension contextExtension=null)
static bool Login (LoginData login)
static bool Login (string username, string password)
static bool LoginWithToken ()
static bool LoginWithToken (string token)
static void Ping ()
static bool RequestAuthorizationCode ()
static void ReturnToHub ()
static bool SendSessionEvent (Statement eventStatement)
static bool SendSimpleSessionEvent (string action, string targetObject, Extension contextExtension)

Public Attributes

bool loginCheckModuleAccess = true
OnAuthCodeReceived OnAuthorizationCodeReceived = new OnAuthCodeReceived()
OnApexFailureEvent OnCompleteSessionFailed = new OnApexFailureEvent()
OnHttpResponseEvent OnCompleteSessionSuccess = new OnHttpResponseEvent()
OnApexFailureEvent OnGetOrganizationModulesFailed = new OnApexFailureEvent()
OnGetOrgModulesSuccessEvent OnGetOrganizationModulesSuccess = new OnGetOrgModulesSuccessEvent()
OnApexFailureEvent OnGetUserFailed = new OnApexFailureEvent()
OnApexFailureEvent OnGetUserModulesFailed = new OnApexFailureEvent()
OnGetUserModulesSuccessEvent OnGetUserModulesSuccess = new OnGetUserModulesSuccessEvent()
OnGetUserSuccessEvent OnGetUserSuccess = new OnGetUserSuccessEvent()
OnApexFailureEvent OnJoinSessionFailed = new OnApexFailureEvent()
OnHttpResponseEvent OnJoinSessionSuccess = new OnHttpResponseEvent()
OnApexFailureEvent OnLoginFailed = new OnApexFailureEvent()
OnLoginSuccessEvent OnLoginSuccess = new OnLoginSuccessEvent()
OnApexFailureEvent OnModuleAccessFailed = new OnApexFailureEvent()
OnModuleAccessSuccessEvent OnModuleAccessSuccess = new OnModuleAccessSuccessEvent()
OnHttpResponseEvent OnPingFailed = new OnHttpResponseEvent()
OnHttpResponseEvent OnPingSuccess = new OnHttpResponseEvent()
PlatformResponse OnPlatformResponse = null
OnApexFailureEvent OnSendEventFailed = new OnApexFailureEvent()
OnHttpResponseEvent OnSendEventSuccess = new OnHttpResponseEvent()
bool runSetupOnAwake = true

Protected Member Functions

void _ChangePlatformServer (PlatformServer newServer)
bool _CompleteSession (SessionData currentSessionData, Extension contextExtension, Extension resultExtension)
bool _GetModuleList ()
bool _GetUser (int userId=-1)
bool _GetUserModules (int userId=-1)
bool _JoinSession (string newScenarioID=null, Extension contextExtension=null)
bool _Login (LoginData login)
bool _Login (string username, string password)
void _Ping ()
bool _SendHeartbeat ()
bool _SendSessionEvent (Statement eventStatement)
bool _SendSimpleSessionEvent (string verbName, string targetObject, Extension contextExtension)
void HandleLogin (bool successful, object responseData)
void OnAPIResponse (ResponseType response, HttpResponseMessage message, object responseData)

Protected Attributes

APIHandler apexAPIHandler
string clientIP
LoginResponseContent currentActiveLogin = null
Guid currentSessionID
string deviceID
string deviceModel
string deviceSerialNumber = ""
int heartbeatSessionID
float heartbeatTime = 5.0f
float heartbeatTimer
string loginToken = ""
int moduleID = 0
string moduleName = "Generic"
string moduleVersion = "0.00.00"
string optionalParameter = ""
string platform
PlatformServer PlatformTargetServer
string returnTargetParameter = ""
string scenarioID = "Generic"
string serverIP = ""
bool sessionInProgress
Task< bool > socketConnectTask
Task socketDisconnectTask
string targetTypeParameter = ""
bool userAccessVerified = false
ApexWebsocket webSocket
string webSocketUrl


static LoginResponseContent CurrentActiveLogin [get, set]
static string DeviceSerialNumber [get, set]
static T Instance [get]
static bool LoginCheckModuleAccess [get, set]
static int ModuleID [get, set]
static string ModuleName [get, set]
static string ModuleVersion [get, set]
static string OptionalData [get, set]
static string PassedLoginToken [get, set]
static string ReturnTarget [get, set]
static bool RunSetupOnAwake [get, set]
static string ScenarioID [get, set]
static string ServerIP [get, set]
static string TargetType [get, private set]

Private Types

enum  VersionParts : int { Major = 0 , Minor , Patch }

Private Member Functions

void _ExitApplication (string returnTarget)
bool _GenerateOneTimeLoginForCurrentUser ()
bool _GenerateOneTimeLoginForUser (int userId)
bool _RequestAuthorizationCode ()
void _ReturnToHub ()
Extensions AppendStandardContextExtension (Extension currentContextExtension)
Extensions AppendStandardContextExtension (Extensions currentContextExtensions)
void Awake ()
void ConnectWebsocket ()
float DetermineScaledScore (float scaledScore, float score, float maxScore)
void DisconnectWebsocket ()
void FixedUpdate ()
string GetEndpointFromTarget (PlatformServer target)
string GetPlatformEndpointFromPlatformTarget (PlatformServer target)
string GetWebEndpointFromPlatformTarget (PlatformServer target)
bool IsModuleMajorVersionPartValid (string modulePart)
bool IsModuleNonMajorVersionPartValid (string modulePart)
bool IsModuleVersionOnlyNumerical ()
bool IsModuleVersionValid ()
void OnWebSocketClosed (System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketCloseStatus reason)
void OnWebSocketConnected ()
void OnWebSocketConnectFailed (string reason)
void OnWebSocketReceive (string data)
void PopulateWebSocketURL ()
void SetupAPI ()
void SetupPlatformConfiguration ()
void Start ()

Static Private Attributes

static bool ApplicationIsQuitting
static T instance
static readonly object lockObject
static readonly Regex VersionValidator = new Regex(@"^[0123456789.]+$")

Detailed Description

Definition at line 22 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ VersionParts


Definition at line 24 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Member Function Documentation

◆ _ChangePlatformServer()

void PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem._ChangePlatformServer ( PlatformServer newServer)

Definition at line 742 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ _CheckModuleAccess()

bool PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem._CheckModuleAccess ( int targetModuleID = -1)

Definition at line 906 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ _CompleteSession()

bool PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem._CompleteSession ( SessionData currentSessionData,
Extension contextExtension,
Extension resultExtension )

Definition at line 1111 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ _ExitApplication()

void PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem._ExitApplication ( string returnTarget)

Definition at line 358 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ _GenerateOneTimeLoginForCurrentUser()

bool PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem._GenerateOneTimeLoginForCurrentUser ( )

Definition at line 1514 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ _GenerateOneTimeLoginForUser()

bool PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem._GenerateOneTimeLoginForUser ( int userId)

Definition at line 1526 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _GetAuthenticationToken()

string PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem._GetAuthenticationToken ( )

Definition at line 886 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ _GetModuleList()

bool PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem._GetModuleList ( )

Definition at line 1235 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ _GetUser()

bool PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem._GetUser ( int userId = -1)

Definition at line 1207 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ _GetUserModules()

bool PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem._GetUserModules ( int userId = -1)

Definition at line 1221 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ _JoinSession()

bool PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem._JoinSession ( string newScenarioID = null,
Extension contextExtension = null )

Definition at line 926 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ _Login() [1/2]

bool PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem._Login ( LoginData login)

Definition at line 766 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _Login() [2/2]

bool PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem._Login ( string username,
string password )

Definition at line 793 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ _LoginWithToken()

bool PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem._LoginWithToken ( string token)

Definition at line 754 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ _ParsePassedData()

void PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem._ParsePassedData ( )

Definition at line 798 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _ParseUrlData()

void PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem._ParseUrlData ( string urlString)

Definition at line 844 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _Ping()

void PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem._Ping ( )

Definition at line 749 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ _RequestAuthorizationCode()

bool PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem._RequestAuthorizationCode ( )

Definition at line 1495 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ _ReturnToHub()

void PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem._ReturnToHub ( )

Definition at line 1479 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ _SendHeartbeat()

bool PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem._SendHeartbeat ( )

Definition at line 1193 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _SendSessionEvent()

bool PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem._SendSessionEvent ( Statement eventStatement)

Definition at line 1037 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ _SendSimpleSessionEvent()

bool PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem._SendSimpleSessionEvent ( string verbName,
string targetObject,
Extension contextExtension )

Definition at line 989 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ AppendStandardContextExtension() [1/2]

Extensions PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.AppendStandardContextExtension ( Extension currentContextExtension)

Definition at line 1261 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ AppendStandardContextExtension() [2/2]

Extensions PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.AppendStandardContextExtension ( Extensions currentContextExtensions)

Definition at line 1256 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Awake()

void PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.Awake ( )

Definition at line 233 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ChangePlatformServer()

static void PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.ChangePlatformServer ( PlatformServer newServer)

Definition at line 662 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ CheckModuleAccess()

static bool PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.CheckModuleAccess ( int targetModuleID = -1)

Definition at line 692 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ CompleteSession()

static bool PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.CompleteSession ( SessionData currentSessionData,
Extension contextExtension = null,
Extension resultExtension = null )

Definition at line 702 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ConnectWebsocket()

void PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.ConnectWebsocket ( )

Definition at line 543 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ DetermineScaledScore()

float PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.DetermineScaledScore ( float scaledScore,
float score,
float maxScore )

Definition at line 1244 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ DisconnectWebsocket()

void PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.DisconnectWebsocket ( )

Definition at line 548 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ExitApplication()

static void PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.ExitApplication ( string returnTarget)

Definition at line 647 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ FixedUpdate()

void PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.FixedUpdate ( )

Definition at line 524 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GenerateOneTimeLoginForCurrentUser()

static bool PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.GenerateOneTimeLoginForCurrentUser ( )

Definition at line 1505 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ GetAuthenticationToken()

static string PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.GetAuthenticationToken ( )

Definition at line 652 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetCurrentUser()

static bool PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.GetCurrentUser ( )

Definition at line 717 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetCurrentUserModules()

static bool PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.GetCurrentUserModules ( )

Definition at line 727 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetEndpointFromTarget()

string PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.GetEndpointFromTarget ( PlatformServer target)

Definition at line 474 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetModulesList()

static bool PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.GetModulesList ( )

Definition at line 737 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ GetPlatformEndpointFromPlatformTarget()

string PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.GetPlatformEndpointFromPlatformTarget ( PlatformServer target)

Definition at line 487 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetUser()

static bool PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.GetUser ( int userId = -1)

Definition at line 722 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetUserModules()

static bool PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.GetUserModules ( int userId = -1)

Definition at line 732 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetWebEndpointFromPlatformTarget()

string PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.GetWebEndpointFromPlatformTarget ( PlatformServer target)

Definition at line 479 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ HandleLogin()

void PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.HandleLogin ( bool successful,
object responseData )

Definition at line 1455 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IsModuleMajorVersionPartValid()

bool PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.IsModuleMajorVersionPartValid ( string modulePart)

Definition at line 630 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IsModuleNonMajorVersionPartValid()

bool PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.IsModuleNonMajorVersionPartValid ( string modulePart)

Definition at line 619 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IsModuleVersionOnlyNumerical()

bool PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.IsModuleVersionOnlyNumerical ( )

Definition at line 614 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IsModuleVersionValid()

bool PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.IsModuleVersionValid ( )

Definition at line 591 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ JoinSession()

static bool PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.JoinSession ( string scenarioID = null,
Extension contextExtension = null )

Definition at line 697 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Login() [1/2]

static bool PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.Login ( LoginData login)

Definition at line 682 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Login() [2/2]

static bool PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.Login ( string username,
string password )

Definition at line 687 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ LoginWithToken() [1/2]

static bool PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.LoginWithToken ( )

Definition at line 672 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ LoginWithToken() [2/2]

static bool PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.LoginWithToken ( string token)

Definition at line 677 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ OnAPIResponse()

void PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.OnAPIResponse ( ResponseType response,
HttpResponseMessage message,
object responseData )

Definition at line 1281 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ OnDestroy()

virtual void PixoVR.Apex.ApexSingleton< T >.OnDestroy ( )

When Unity quits, it destroys objects in a random order. In principle, a Singleton is only destroyed when application quits. If any script calls Instance after it have been destroyed, it will create a buggy ghost object that will stay on the Editor scene even after stopping playing the Application. Really bad! So, this was made to be sure we're not creating that buggy ghost object.

Definition at line 72 of file ApexSingleton.cs.

◆ OnWebSocketClosed()

void PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.OnWebSocketClosed ( System::Net::WebSockets::WebSocketCloseStatus reason)

Definition at line 586 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ OnWebSocketConnected()

void PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.OnWebSocketConnected ( )

Definition at line 553 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ OnWebSocketConnectFailed()

void PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.OnWebSocketConnectFailed ( string reason)

Definition at line 558 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ OnWebSocketReceive()

void PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.OnWebSocketReceive ( string data)

Definition at line 563 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Ping()

static void PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.Ping ( )

Definition at line 667 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ PopulateWebSocketURL()

void PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.PopulateWebSocketURL ( )

Definition at line 495 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ RequestAuthorizationCode()

static bool PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.RequestAuthorizationCode ( )

Definition at line 657 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ReturnToHub()

static void PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.ReturnToHub ( )

Definition at line 642 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ SendSessionEvent()

static bool PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.SendSessionEvent ( Statement eventStatement)

Definition at line 712 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ SendSimpleSessionEvent()

static bool PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.SendSimpleSessionEvent ( string action,
string targetObject,
Extension contextExtension )

Definition at line 707 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetupAPI()

void PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.SetupAPI ( )

Definition at line 317 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetupPlatformConfiguration()

void PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.SetupPlatformConfiguration ( )

Definition at line 262 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Start()

void PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.Start ( )

Definition at line 512 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

◆ apexAPIHandler

APIHandler PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.apexAPIHandler

Definition at line 197 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ ApplicationIsQuitting

bool PixoVR.Apex.ApexSingleton< T >.ApplicationIsQuitting

Definition at line 63 of file ApexSingleton.cs.

◆ clientIP

string PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.clientIP

Definition at line 183 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ currentActiveLogin

LoginResponseContent PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.currentActiveLogin = null

Definition at line 196 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ currentSessionID

Guid PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.currentSessionID

Definition at line 184 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ deviceID

string PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.deviceID

Definition at line 180 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ deviceModel

string PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.deviceModel

Definition at line 181 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ deviceSerialNumber

string PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.deviceSerialNumber = ""

Definition at line 189 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ heartbeatSessionID

int PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.heartbeatSessionID

Definition at line 185 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ heartbeatTime

float PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.heartbeatTime = 5.0f


Definition at line 177 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ heartbeatTimer

float PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.heartbeatTimer

Definition at line 186 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ instance

T PixoVR.Apex.ApexSingleton< T >.instance

Definition at line 9 of file ApexSingleton.cs.

◆ lockObject

readonly object PixoVR.Apex.ApexSingleton< T >.lockObject

Definition at line 11 of file ApexSingleton.cs.

◆ loginCheckModuleAccess

bool PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.loginCheckModuleAccess = true


Definition at line 172 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ loginToken

string PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.loginToken = ""

Definition at line 191 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ moduleID

int PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.moduleID = 0


Definition at line 147 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ moduleName

string PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.moduleName = "Generic"


Definition at line 152 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ moduleVersion

string PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.moduleVersion = "0.00.00"


Definition at line 157 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ OnAuthorizationCodeReceived

OnAuthCodeReceived PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.OnAuthorizationCodeReceived = new OnAuthCodeReceived()

Definition at line 231 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ OnCompleteSessionFailed

OnApexFailureEvent PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.OnCompleteSessionFailed = new OnApexFailureEvent()

Definition at line 221 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ OnCompleteSessionSuccess

OnHttpResponseEvent PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.OnCompleteSessionSuccess = new OnHttpResponseEvent()

Definition at line 220 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ OnGetOrganizationModulesFailed

OnApexFailureEvent PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.OnGetOrganizationModulesFailed = new OnApexFailureEvent()

Definition at line 227 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ OnGetOrganizationModulesSuccess

OnGetOrgModulesSuccessEvent PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.OnGetOrganizationModulesSuccess = new OnGetOrgModulesSuccessEvent()

Definition at line 226 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ OnGetUserFailed

OnApexFailureEvent PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.OnGetUserFailed = new OnApexFailureEvent()

Definition at line 212 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ OnGetUserModulesFailed

OnApexFailureEvent PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.OnGetUserModulesFailed = new OnApexFailureEvent()

Definition at line 215 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ OnGetUserModulesSuccess

OnGetUserModulesSuccessEvent PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.OnGetUserModulesSuccess = new OnGetUserModulesSuccessEvent()

Definition at line 214 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ OnGetUserSuccess

OnGetUserSuccessEvent PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.OnGetUserSuccess = new OnGetUserSuccessEvent()

Definition at line 211 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ OnJoinSessionFailed

OnApexFailureEvent PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.OnJoinSessionFailed = new OnApexFailureEvent()

Definition at line 218 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ OnJoinSessionSuccess

OnHttpResponseEvent PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.OnJoinSessionSuccess = new OnHttpResponseEvent()

Definition at line 217 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ OnLoginFailed

OnApexFailureEvent PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.OnLoginFailed = new OnApexFailureEvent()

Definition at line 209 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ OnLoginSuccess

OnLoginSuccessEvent PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.OnLoginSuccess = new OnLoginSuccessEvent()

Definition at line 208 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ OnModuleAccessFailed

OnApexFailureEvent PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.OnModuleAccessFailed = new OnApexFailureEvent()

Definition at line 206 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ OnModuleAccessSuccess

OnModuleAccessSuccessEvent PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.OnModuleAccessSuccess = new OnModuleAccessSuccessEvent()

Definition at line 205 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ OnPingFailed

OnHttpResponseEvent PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.OnPingFailed = new OnHttpResponseEvent()

Definition at line 203 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ OnPingSuccess

OnHttpResponseEvent PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.OnPingSuccess = new OnHttpResponseEvent()

Definition at line 202 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ OnPlatformResponse

PlatformResponse PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.OnPlatformResponse = null

Definition at line 229 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ OnSendEventFailed

OnApexFailureEvent PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.OnSendEventFailed = new OnApexFailureEvent()

Definition at line 224 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ OnSendEventSuccess

OnHttpResponseEvent PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.OnSendEventSuccess = new OnHttpResponseEvent()

Definition at line 223 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ optionalParameter

string PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.optionalParameter = ""

Definition at line 192 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ platform

string PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.platform

Definition at line 182 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ PlatformTargetServer

PlatformServer PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.PlatformTargetServer

Definition at line 129 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ returnTargetParameter

string PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.returnTargetParameter = ""

Definition at line 193 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ runSetupOnAwake

bool PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.runSetupOnAwake = true


Definition at line 167 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ scenarioID

string PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.scenarioID = "Generic"


Definition at line 162 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ serverIP

string PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.serverIP = ""


Definition at line 138 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ sessionInProgress

bool PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.sessionInProgress

Definition at line 187 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ socketConnectTask

Task<bool> PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.socketConnectTask

Definition at line 199 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ socketDisconnectTask

Task PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.socketDisconnectTask

Definition at line 200 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ targetTypeParameter

string PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.targetTypeParameter = ""

Definition at line 194 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ userAccessVerified

bool PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.userAccessVerified = false

Definition at line 188 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ VersionValidator

readonly Regex PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.VersionValidator = new Regex(@"^[0123456789.]+$")

Definition at line 613 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ webSocket

ApexWebsocket PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.webSocket

Definition at line 198 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ webSocketUrl

string PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.webSocketUrl

Definition at line 179 of file ApexSystem.cs.

Property Documentation

◆ CurrentActiveLogin

LoginResponseContent PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.CurrentActiveLogin

Definition at line 61 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ DeviceSerialNumber

string PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.DeviceSerialNumber

Definition at line 79 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ Instance

T PixoVR.Apex.ApexSingleton< T >.Instance

Definition at line 13 of file ApexSingleton.cs.

◆ LoginCheckModuleAccess

bool PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.LoginCheckModuleAccess

Definition at line 73 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ ModuleID

int PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.ModuleID

Definition at line 37 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ ModuleName

string PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.ModuleName

Definition at line 43 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ ModuleVersion

string PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.ModuleVersion

Definition at line 49 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ OptionalData

string PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.OptionalData

Definition at line 91 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ PassedLoginToken

string PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.PassedLoginToken

Definition at line 85 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ ReturnTarget

string PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.ReturnTarget

Definition at line 97 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ RunSetupOnAwake

bool PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.RunSetupOnAwake

Definition at line 67 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ ScenarioID

string PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.ScenarioID

Definition at line 55 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ ServerIP

string PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.ServerIP

Definition at line 31 of file ApexSystem.cs.

◆ TargetType

string PixoVR.Apex.ApexSystem.TargetType
staticgetprivate set

Definition at line 122 of file ApexSystem.cs.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: