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A Demo Project for the UnrealEngineSDK
This is the complete list of members for APixoVRToolBase, including all inherited members.
AdvancedGripSettings() | IVRGripInterface | |
AllowsMultipleGrips() | IVRGripInterface | |
APixoVRToolBase() | APixoVRToolBase | |
AudioComponent | APixoVRToolBase | protected |
bAdvancedDrop | APixoVRToolBase | protected |
bDestroyOnDrop | APixoVRToolBase | protected |
bDestroyOnExit | APixoVRToolBase | protected |
BeginPlay() override | APixoVRToolBase | protectedvirtual |
bIsGripAllowed | APixoVRToolBase | protected |
bIsGripped | APixoVRToolBase | protected |
bIsPaused | APixoVRToolBase | protected |
bIsPendingKill | APixoVRToolBase | |
bToggleCollisionOnUsage | APixoVRToolBase | protected |
CanExitsWithoutOwner() const | APixoVRToolBase | inline |
ClosestGripSlotInRange(FVector WorldLocation, bool bSecondarySlot, bool &bHadSlotInRange, FTransform &SlotWorldTransform, FName &SlotName, UGripMotionControllerComponent *CallingController=nullptr, FName OverridePrefix=NAME_None) | IVRGripInterface | |
DefaultAttenuationSettings | APixoVRToolBase | protected |
DenyDropping() | APixoVRToolBase | |
DenyDropping_Implementation() override | APixoVRToolBase | virtual |
DenyGripping(UGripMotionControllerComponent *GripInitiator=nullptr) | IVRGripInterface | |
DenyGrippingPixoVR(UGripMotionControllerComponent *GrippingController) | APixoVRToolBase | |
DenyGrippingPixoVR_Implementation(UGripMotionControllerComponent *GrippingController) override | APixoVRToolBase | virtual |
DenyTriggerGripping() | APixoVRToolBase | |
DenyTriggerGripping_Implementation() override | APixoVRToolBase | virtual |
DestroyDelay | APixoVRToolBase | protected |
DestroyOnExit() | APixoVRToolBase | inline |
DestroyState | APixoVRToolBase | protected |
DisablePhysicsOnDrop() | APixoVRToolBase | |
DisablePhysicsOnDrop_Implementation() override | APixoVRToolBase | virtual |
GENERATED_BODY() | APixoVRToolBase | private |
GENERATED_IINTERFACE_BODY() | IVRGripInterface | private |
GetDefaultAttenuationSettings() | APixoVRToolBase | private |
GetGripScripts(TArray< UVRGripScriptBase * > &ArrayReference) | IVRGripInterface | |
GetGripStiffnessAndDamping(float &GripStiffnessOut, float &GripDampingOut) | IVRGripInterface | |
GetLifetimeReplicatedProps(TArray< FLifetimeProperty > &OutLifetimeProps) const override | APixoVRToolBase | virtual |
GetPrimaryGripType(bool bIsSlot) | IVRGripInterface | |
GrabBoxComponent | APixoVRToolBase | protected |
GrabHand | APixoVRToolBase | protected |
GripBreakDistance() | IVRGripInterface | |
GripLateUpdateSetting() | IVRGripInterface | |
GripMode(EPixoVRGripModeEnum &GripMode) | APixoVRToolBase | |
GripMode_Implementation(EPixoVRGripModeEnum &GripMode) override | APixoVRToolBase | virtual |
GripMovementReplicationType() | IVRGripInterface | |
GripSound | APixoVRToolBase | protected |
GripTriggerMode(EPixoVRGripTriggerModeEnum &GripTriggerMode) | APixoVRToolBase | |
GripTriggerMode_Implementation(EPixoVRGripTriggerModeEnum &GripTriggerMode) override | APixoVRToolBase | virtual |
GripTriggerTransform(UGripMotionControllerComponent *GrippingController, bool &bUseCustomTransform, FTransform &CustomTransform) | APixoVRToolBase | |
GripTriggerTransform_Implementation(UGripMotionControllerComponent *GrippingController, bool &bUseCustomTransform, FTransform &CustomTransform) override | APixoVRToolBase | virtual |
HandleDestroy() | APixoVRToolBase | |
InitializeTool(const FPixoToolData &InToolData) | APixoVRToolBase | |
InitializeTool_Implementation(const FPixoToolData &InToolData) override | APixoVRToolBase | virtual |
IsDestroyable() | APixoVRToolBase | |
IsGripped() | APixoVRToolBase | |
IsHeld(TArray< FBPGripPair > &HoldingControllers, bool &bIsHeld) | IVRGripInterface | |
IsRightHand(UGripMotionControllerComponent *GrippingController) const | APixoVRToolBase | protected |
LeftHandGrip | APixoVRToolBase | protected |
MulticastAdjustPlayingSoundVolumeViaComponent(float InVolumeMultiplier) | APixoVRToolBase | private |
MulticastStartPlayingSound(USoundBase *Sound, const FVector &SoundLocation, float VolumeMultiplier) | APixoVRToolBase | private |
MulticastStartPlayingSoundViaComponent(USoundBase *Sound, float VolumeMultiplier) | APixoVRToolBase | private |
MulticastStopPlayingSound(USoundBase *Sound) | APixoVRToolBase | private |
MulticastStopPlayingSoundViaComponent() | APixoVRToolBase | private |
MulticastToggleCollision(ECollisionEnabled::Type Type) | APixoVRToolBase | private |
Native_NotifyThrowGripDelegates(UGripMotionControllerComponent *Controller, bool bGripped, const FBPActorGripInformation &GripInformation, bool bWasSocketed=false) | IVRGripInterface | virtual |
OnChildGrip(UGripMotionControllerComponent *GrippingController, const FBPActorGripInformation &GripInformation) | IVRGripInterface | |
OnChildGripRelease(UGripMotionControllerComponent *ReleasingController, const FBPActorGripInformation &GripInformation, bool bWasSocketed=false) | IVRGripInterface | |
OnEndSecondaryUsed() | IVRGripInterface | |
OnEndUsed() | IVRGripInterface | |
OnGrip(UGripMotionControllerComponent *GrippingController, const FBPActorGripInformation &GripInformation) | IVRGripInterface | |
OnGripAction | APixoVRToolBase | protected |
OnGripObject(UGripMotionControllerComponent *GrippingController, AActor *GrippedActor) | APixoVRToolBase | |
OnGripObject_Implementation(UGripMotionControllerComponent *GrippingController, AActor *GrippedActor) override | APixoVRToolBase | virtual |
OnGripObjectRelease(UGripMotionControllerComponent *GrippingController, AActor *GrippedActor) | APixoVRToolBase | |
OnGripObjectRelease_Implementation(UGripMotionControllerComponent *GrippingController, AActor *GrippedActor) override | APixoVRToolBase | virtual |
OnGripRelease(UGripMotionControllerComponent *ReleasingController, const FBPActorGripInformation &GripInformation, bool bWasSocketed=false) | IVRGripInterface | |
OnInput(FKey Key, EInputEvent KeyEvent) | IVRGripInterface | |
OnObjectPaused() | APixoVRToolBase | |
OnObjectPaused_Implementation() override | APixoVRToolBase | virtual |
OnObjectUnPaused() | APixoVRToolBase | |
OnObjectUnPaused_Implementation() override | APixoVRToolBase | virtual |
OnOverlapBegin(UPrimitiveComponent *OverlappedComp, AActor *OtherActor, UPrimitiveComponent *OtherComp, int32 OtherBodyIndex, bool FromSweep, const FHitResult &SweepResult) | APixoVRToolBase | protectedvirtual |
OnSecondaryGrip(UGripMotionControllerComponent *GripOwningController, USceneComponent *SecondaryGripComponent, const FBPActorGripInformation &GripInformation) | IVRGripInterface | |
OnSecondaryGripRelease(UGripMotionControllerComponent *GripOwningController, USceneComponent *ReleasingSecondaryGripComponent, const FBPActorGripInformation &GripInformation) | IVRGripInterface | |
OnSecondaryUsed() | IVRGripInterface | |
OnTryGripObject(UGripMotionControllerComponent *GrippingController, AActor *GrippedActor) | APixoVRToolBase | |
OnTryGripObject_Implementation(UGripMotionControllerComponent *GrippingController, AActor *GrippedActor) override | APixoVRToolBase | virtual |
OnUsed() | IVRGripInterface | |
PairSecondaryTool(AActor *SecondaryTool) | IPixoVRToolInterface | |
RequestsSocketing(USceneComponent *&ParentToSocketTo, FName &OptionalSocketName, FTransform_NetQuantize &RelativeTransform) | IVRGripInterface | |
RightHandGrip | APixoVRToolBase | protected |
SecondaryGripType() | IVRGripInterface | |
ServerAdjustPlayingSoundVolumeViaComponent(float InVolumeMultiplier=1.0f) | APixoVRToolBase | protected |
ServerDestroyTool() | APixoVRToolBase | private |
ServerOnDropped() | APixoVRToolBase | protected |
ServerStartPlayingSound(USoundBase *Sound, const FVector &SoundLocation, float VolumeMultiplier=1.0f) | APixoVRToolBase | protected |
ServerStartPlayingSoundViaComponent(USoundBase *Sound, float VolumeMultiplier=1.0f) | APixoVRToolBase | protected |
ServerStopPlayingSound(USoundBase *Sound) | APixoVRToolBase | protected |
ServerStopPlayingSoundViaComponent() | APixoVRToolBase | protected |
ServerUseTool(UGripMotionControllerComponent *GrippingController, AActor *GrippedActor) | APixoVRToolBase | private |
SetHeld(UGripMotionControllerComponent *HoldingController, uint8 GripID, bool bIsHeld) | IVRGripInterface | |
SimulateOnDrop() | IVRGripInterface | |
TeleportBehavior() | IVRGripInterface | |
Tick(float DeltaSeconds) override | APixoVRToolBase | protectedvirtual |
TickGrip(UGripMotionControllerComponent *GrippingController, const FBPActorGripInformation &GripInformation, float DeltaTime) | IVRGripInterface | |
TimeBeforeKilled | APixoVRToolBase | |
ToggleState(EControllerHand Hand) | IPixoVRToolInterface | |
ToolData | APixoVRToolBase | protected |
ToolMeshComponent | APixoVRToolBase | protected |
Use(bool InActivate, EControllerHand Hand) | IPixoVRToolInterface |