5#include "CoreMinimal.h"
7#include "GameFramework/GameMode.h"
9#include "PixoVRGameMode.generated.h"
30 virtual
void InitGame(const FString& MapName, const FString& Options, FString& ErrorMessage) override;
31 virtual
void Tick(
float DeltaSeconds) override;
37 UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable)
48 UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = Classes,
DisplayName = ExperienceManager)
APixoVRGameMode is a custom game mode class that extends AGameMode and implements IPixoCoreInterface....
UExperienceManager * GetBaseExperienceManager() const
Gets the reference to the base experience manager.
TSubclassOf< UExperienceManager > ExperienceManagerClass
UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = Classes, DisplayName = ExperienceManager)
Interface for PixoCore functionality.
It provides functionalities for handling events, sending events, and managing a private owner....
The UExperienceManager serves as the manager for handling the overall game experience....