13 "Reloads the Dialogue data from the .dlg text file with the same name in the folder",
14 EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord()
19 "Show primary/secondary edges",
20 "Toggles the viewing of the primary/secondary edges.",
21 EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord()
26 "Draws the primary edges",
27 "Toggles the drawing of the primary edges",
28 EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord()
33 "Draws the secondary edges",
34 "Toggles the drawing of the secondary edges",
35 EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord()
40 "Convert to speech nodes",
41 "Converts/breaks the speech sequence node to a list of speech node.",
42 EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord()
47 "Converts selected Speech node(s) to a Speech Sequence Node",
48 "Converts selected (compresses) linear Speech node(s) to a Speech Sequence Node",
49 EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord()
54 "Save All Dialogues...",
55 "Saves all dialogues to the disk",
56 EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord()
61 "Delete All Dialogues Text Files...",
62 "Delete all dialogues text files on the disk from all existing known text formats and from the Settings AdditionalTextFormatFileExtensionsToLookFor",
63 EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord()
68 "Delete Current Dialogue Text Files...",
69 "Delete all text files of the CURRENT Dialogue on the disk from all existing known text formats and from the Settings AdditionalTextFormatFileExtensionsToLookFor",
70 EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord()
75 "Not Yet: Plugins...",
76 "Navigates to the Not Yet Plugins page",
77 EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord()
83 "Navigates to the Dialogue Unreal Marketplace page",
84 EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord()
89 "Wiki/Documentation...",
90 "Navigates to the Dialogue System Wiki/Documentation page",
91 EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord()
97 "Navigates to the Dialogue System Discord server",
98 EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord()
104 "Navigates to the Dialogue System Forum",
105 EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord()
110 "Find in All Dialogues",
111 "Find references to descriptions, events, condition and variables in ALL Dialogue",
112 EUserInterfaceActionType::Button,
113 FInputChord(EModifierKey::Control | EModifierKey::Shift, EKeys::F)
119 "Find references to descriptions, events, condition and variables in the current Dialogue (use Ctrl+Shift+F to search in all Dialogues)",
120 EUserInterfaceActionType::Button,
121 FInputChord(EModifierKey::Control, EKeys::F)
127 "Hide selected nodes",
128 EUserInterfaceActionType::Button,
129 FInputChord(EKeys::H)
136 EUserInterfaceActionType::Button,
137 FInputChord(EModifierKey::Control, EKeys::H)