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Documentation for the Unreal C++ Plugin
This is the complete list of members for UPixoVRLongHoldComponent, including all inherited members.
ButtonState | UPixoVRLongHoldComponent | protected |
CurrentTime | UPixoVRLongHoldComponent | private |
ExecuteLongHold(const FOnLongHoldReleased &LongHoldFunction) | UPixoVRLongHoldComponent | |
GENERATED_BODY() | UPixoVRLongHoldComponent | private |
GetCurrentTime() const | UPixoVRLongHoldComponent | |
GetCurrentTimePercentage() const | UPixoVRLongHoldComponent | |
GetNeededTime() const | UPixoVRLongHoldComponent | |
IsShortPressValid(bool &IsShortPressValid) | UPixoVRLongHoldComponent | |
LongHoldReleasedEvent | UPixoVRLongHoldComponent | private |
MaxShortPressTime | UPixoVRLongHoldComponent | protected |
NeededTime | UPixoVRLongHoldComponent | protected |
StopLongHold() | UPixoVRLongHoldComponent | |
TickComponent(float DeltaTime, ELevelTick TickType, FActorComponentTickFunction *ThisTickFunction) override | UPixoVRLongHoldComponent | virtual |
UPixoVRLongHoldComponent() | UPixoVRLongHoldComponent |