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A Demo Project for the UnrealEngineSDK
This is the complete list of members for UVRRootComponent, including all inherited members.
AreWeOverlappingVolume(APhysicsVolume *V) | UVRRootComponent | inline |
bAllowSimulatingCollision | UVRRootComponent | |
bCalledUpdateTransform | UVRRootComponent | |
bCenterCapsuleOnHMD | UVRRootComponent | |
BeginPlay() override | UVRRootComponent | |
bHadRelativeMovement | UVRRootComponent | |
bPauseTracking | UVRRootComponent | |
bUseWalkingCollisionOverride | UVRRootComponent | |
CalcBounds(const FTransform &LocalToWorld) const override | UVRRootComponent | virtual |
ConvertRotationOverlapsToCurrentOverlaps(TArray< FOverlapInfo, AllocatorType > &OutOverlapsAtEndLocation, const TOverlapArrayView &CurrentOverlaps) | UVRRootComponent | protected |
ConvertSweptOverlapsToCurrentOverlaps(TArray< FOverlapInfo, AllocatorType > &OutOverlapsAtEndLocation, const TOverlapArrayView &SweptOverlaps, int32 SweptOverlapsIndex, const FVector &EndLocation, const FQuat &EndRotationQuat) | UVRRootComponent | protected |
CreateSceneProxy() override | UVRRootComponent | |
curCameraLoc | UVRRootComponent | |
curCameraRot | UVRRootComponent | |
Default_GetWaistOrientationAndPosition(FBPVRWaistTracking_Info &WaistTrackingInfo) | IVRTrackedParentInterface | inlinestatic |
Default_SetTrackedParent_Impl(UPrimitiveComponent *NewParentComponent, float WaistRadius, EBPVRWaistTrackingMode WaistTrackingMode, FBPVRWaistTracking_Info &OptionalWaistTrackingParent, USceneComponent *Self) | IVRTrackedParentInterface | inlinestatic |
DifferenceFromLastFrame | UVRRootComponent | |
FDrawCylinderSceneProxy | UVRRootComponent | friend |
FVRCharacterScopedMovementUpdate | UVRRootComponent | friend |
GENERATED_BODY() | UVRRootComponent | private |
GENERATED_IINTERFACE_BODY() | IVRTrackedParentInterface | private |
GenerateOffsetToWorld(bool bUpdateBounds=true, bool bGetPureYaw=true) | UVRRootComponent | inline |
GetNavigationData(FNavigationRelevantData &Data) const override | UVRRootComponent | virtual |
GetOverlapsWithActor_Template(const AActor *Actor, TArray< FOverlapInfo, AllocatorType > &OutOverlaps) const | UVRRootComponent | protected |
InitializeComponent() override | UVRRootComponent | virtual |
IsLocallyControlled() const | UVRRootComponent | |
lastCameraLoc | UVRRootComponent | |
lastCameraRot | UVRRootComponent | |
MoveComponentImpl(const FVector &Delta, const FQuat &NewRotation, bool bSweep, FHitResult *OutHit=NULL, EMoveComponentFlags MoveFlags=MOVECOMP_NoFlags, ETeleportType Teleport=ETeleportType::None) override | UVRRootComponent | protectedvirtual |
OffsetComponentToWorld | UVRRootComponent | |
OnUpdateTransform(EUpdateTransformFlags UpdateTransformFlags, ETeleportType Teleport=ETeleportType::None) override | UVRRootComponent | protectedvirtual |
OnUpdateTransform_Public(EUpdateTransformFlags UpdateTransformFlags, ETeleportType Teleport=ETeleportType::None) | UVRRootComponent | inline |
OptionalWaistTrackingParent | UVRRootComponent | |
owningVRChar | UVRRootComponent | |
SendPhysicsTransform(ETeleportType Teleport) | UVRRootComponent | protected |
SetCapsuleHalfHeightVR(float HalfHeight, bool bUpdateOverlaps=true) | UVRRootComponent | |
SetCapsuleSizeVR(float NewRadius, float NewHalfHeight, bool bUpdateOverlaps=true) | UVRRootComponent | virtual |
SetSimulatePhysics(bool bSimulate) override | UVRRootComponent | virtual |
SetTrackedParent(UPrimitiveComponent *NewParentComponent, float WaistRadius, EBPVRWaistTrackingMode WaistTrackingMode) override | UVRRootComponent | inlinevirtual |
SetTrackingPaused(bool bPaused) | UVRRootComponent | |
StoredCameraRotOffset | UVRRootComponent | |
TargetPrimitiveComponent | UVRRootComponent | |
TickComponent(float DeltaTime, enum ELevelTick TickType, FActorComponentTickFunction *ThisTickFunction) override | UVRRootComponent | |
UpdateOverlapsImpl(const TOverlapArrayView *NewPendingOverlaps=nullptr, bool bDoNotifies=true, const TOverlapArrayView *OverlapsAtEndLocation=nullptr) override | UVRRootComponent | protectedvirtual |
UpdatePhysicsVolume(bool bTriggerNotifiers) override | UVRRootComponent | virtual |
UVRRootComponent(const FObjectInitializer &ObjectInitializer) | UVRRootComponent | |
VRCapsuleOffset | UVRRootComponent | |
WalkingCollisionOverride | UVRRootComponent |