This is the complete list of members for UVRGestureComponent, including all inherited members.
bDrawRecordingGesture | UVRGestureComponent | |
bDrawRecordingGestureAsSpline | UVRGestureComponent | |
bDrawSplinesCurved | UVRGestureComponent | |
BeginDestroy() override | UVRGestureComponent | |
BeginRecording(bool bRunDetection, bool bFlattenGesture=true, bool bDrawGesture=true, bool bDrawAsSpline=false, int SamplingHTZ=30, int SampleBufferSize=60, float ClampingTolerance=0.01f) | UVRGestureComponent | |
bGestureChanged | UVRGestureComponent | |
bGetGestureInWorldSpace | UVRGestureComponent | |
bRecordingFlattenGesture | UVRGestureComponent | |
CaptureGestureFrame() | UVRGestureComponent | |
ClearRecording() | UVRGestureComponent | |
CurrentState | UVRGestureComponent | |
DrawDebugGesture(UObject *WorldContextObject, UPARAM(ref) FTransform &StartTransform, FVRGesture GestureToDraw, FColor const &Color, bool bPersistentLines=false, uint8 DepthPriority=0, float LifeTime=-1.f, float Thickness=0.f) | UVRGestureComponent | |
dtw(FVRGesture seq1, FVRGesture seq2, bool bMirrorGesture=false, float Scaler=1.f) | UVRGestureComponent | |
EndRecording() | UVRGestureComponent | |
GENERATED_BODY() | UVRGestureComponent | private |
GestureLog | UVRGestureComponent | |
GesturesDB | UVRGestureComponent | |
GetGestureDistance(FVector Seq1, FVector Seq2, bool bMirrorGesture=false) | UVRGestureComponent | inline |
maxSlope | UVRGestureComponent | |
MirroringHand | UVRGestureComponent | |
OnGestureDetected(uint8 GestureType, FString &DetectedGestureName, int &DetectedGestureIndex, UGesturesDatabase *GestureDatabase) | UVRGestureComponent | |
OnGestureDetected_Bind | UVRGestureComponent | |
OriginatingTransform | UVRGestureComponent | |
RecalculateGestureSize(UPARAM(ref) FVRGesture &InputGesture, UGesturesDatabase *GestureDB) | UVRGestureComponent | |
RecognizeGesture(FVRGesture inputGesture) | UVRGestureComponent | |
RecordingBufferSize | UVRGestureComponent | |
RecordingClampingTolerance | UVRGestureComponent | |
RecordingDelta | UVRGestureComponent | |
RecordingGestureDraw | UVRGestureComponent | |
SameSampleTolerance | UVRGestureComponent | |
SaveRecording(UPARAM(ref) FVRGesture &Recording, FString RecordingName, bool bScaleRecordingToDatabase=true) | UVRGestureComponent | |
SplineMaterial | UVRGestureComponent | |
SplineMesh | UVRGestureComponent | |
SplineMeshScaler | UVRGestureComponent | |
StartVector | UVRGestureComponent | |
TargetCharacter | UVRGestureComponent | |
TickGesture() | UVRGestureComponent | |
TickGestureTimer_Handle | UVRGestureComponent | |
UVRGestureComponent(const FObjectInitializer &ObjectInitializer) | UVRGestureComponent | |