A Demo Project for the UnrealEngineSDK
This is the complete list of members for UGesturesDatabase, including all inherited members.
FillSplineWithGesture(UPARAM(ref) FVRGesture &Gesture, USplineComponent *SplineComponent, bool bCenterPointsOnSpline=true, bool bScaleToBounds=false, float OptionalBounds=0.0f, bool bUseCurvedPoints=true, bool bFillInSplineMeshComponents=true, UStaticMesh *Mesh=nullptr, UMaterial *MeshMat=nullptr) | UGesturesDatabase | |
GENERATED_BODY() | UGesturesDatabase | private |
Gestures | UGesturesDatabase | |
ImportSplineAsGesture(USplineComponent *HostSplineComponent, FString GestureName, bool bKeepSplineCurves=true, float SegmentLen=10.0f, bool bScaleToDatabase=true) | UGesturesDatabase | |
RecalculateGestures(bool bScaleToDatabase=true) | UGesturesDatabase | |
TargetGestureScale | UGesturesDatabase | |
UGesturesDatabase() | UGesturesDatabase | inline |