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A Demo Project for the UnrealEngineSDK
This is the complete list of members for INYLogger, including all inherited members.
AreAllOnScreenMessagesEnabled() | INYLogger | inlinestatic |
bClientConsole | INYLogger | protected |
bForceEnableScreenMessages | INYLogger | protected |
bMessageLog | INYLogger | protected |
bMessageLogMirrorToOutputLog | INYLogger | protected |
bMessageLogOpen | INYLogger | protected |
bOnScreen | INYLogger | protected |
bOutputLog | INYLogger | protected |
bScreenNewerOnTop | INYLogger | protected |
ClearAllOnScreenLogs() | INYLogger | static |
ColorDebug | INYLogger | protected |
ColorError | INYLogger | protected |
ColorFatal | INYLogger | protected |
ColorInfo | INYLogger | protected |
ColorTrace | INYLogger | protected |
ColorWarning | INYLogger | protected |
Debug(const FString &Message) | INYLogger | inline |
Debugf(const FmtType &Fmt, Types... Args) | INYLogger | inline |
DisableAllOnScreenMessages() | INYLogger | inlinestatic |
DisableClientConsole() | INYLogger | inline |
DisableMessageLog() | INYLogger | inline |
DisableOnScreen() | INYLogger | inline |
DisableOutputLog() | INYLogger | inline |
DisableRedirectMessageLogLevels() | INYLogger | inline |
EnableAllOnScreenMessages() | INYLogger | inlinestatic |
EnableClientConsole(APlayerController *PC) | INYLogger | inline |
EnableMessageLog(bool bSuppressLoggingToOutputLog=false) | INYLogger | inline |
EnableOnScreen(bool bInForceEnableScreenMessages=false) | INYLogger | inline |
EnableOutputLog() | INYLogger | inline |
Error(const FString &Message) | INYLogger | inline |
Errorf(const FmtType &Fmt, Types... Args) | INYLogger | inline |
Get() | INYLogger | inlinestatic |
GetColorForLogLevel(ENYLoggerLogLevel Level) const | INYLogger | inlineprotected |
GetMessageSeverityForLogLevel(ENYLoggerLogLevel Level) | INYLogger | inlineprotectedstatic |
GetOutputDeviceFromLogLevel(ENYLoggerLogLevel Level) | INYLogger | protectedstatic |
GetOutputLogCategory() const | INYLogger | inline |
GetUnrealLogTypeForLogLevel(ENYLoggerLogLevel Level) | INYLogger | inlineprotectedstatic |
Info(const FString &Message) | INYLogger | inline |
Infof(const FmtType &Fmt, Types... Args) | INYLogger | inline |
INYLogger() | INYLogger | inlineprotected |
IsClientConsoleEnabled() const | INYLogger | inline |
IsMessageLogEnabled() const | INYLogger | inline |
IsMessageLogNameRegistered(FName LogName) | INYLogger | static |
IsOnScreenEnabled() const | INYLogger | inline |
IsOutputLogEnabled() const | INYLogger | inline |
Log(ENYLoggerLogLevel Level, const FString &Message) | INYLogger | |
LogClientConsole(ENYLoggerLogLevel Level, const FString &Message) | INYLogger | protectedvirtual |
Logf(ENYLoggerLogLevel Level, const FmtType &Fmt, Types... Args) | INYLogger | inline |
LogfImplementation(ENYLoggerLogLevel Level, const TCHAR *Fmt,...) | INYLogger | protected |
LogMessageLog(ENYLoggerLogLevel Level, const FString &Message) | INYLogger | protectedvirtual |
LogOutputLog(ENYLoggerLogLevel Level, const FString &Message) | INYLogger | protectedvirtual |
LogScreen(ENYLoggerLogLevel Level, const FString &Message) | INYLogger | protectedvirtual |
MessageLogName | INYLogger | protected |
MessageLogOpenLogName(FName LogName) | INYLogger | static |
MessageLogRegisterLogName(FName LogName, const FText &LogLabel, const FNYMessageLogInitializationOptions &InitOptions={}) | INYLogger | static |
MessageLogUnregisterLogName(FName LogName) | INYLogger | static |
New() | INYLogger | inlinestatic |
OnlyEnableClientConsole(APlayerController *PC) | INYLogger | inline |
OnlyEnableMessageLog(bool bSuppressLoggingToOutputLog=false) | INYLogger | inline |
OnlyEnableOnScreen(bool bInForceEnableScreenMessages=false) | INYLogger | inline |
OnlyEnableOutputLog() | INYLogger | inline |
OpenMessageLogLevelsHigherThan | INYLogger | protected |
OutputLogCategory | INYLogger | protected |
PlayerController | INYLogger | protected |
PreviousOutputLogCategory | INYLogger | protected |
RedirectMessageLogLevelsHigherThan | INYLogger | protected |
ScreenLogDisplayTimeSeconds | INYLogger | protected |
ScreenTextScale | INYLogger | protected |
Self typedef | INYLogger | private |
SetAreAllOnScreenMessagesEnabled(bool bValue) | INYLogger | inlinestatic |
SetClientConsolePlayerController(APlayerController *PC) | INYLogger | |
SetMessageLogMirrorToOutputLog(bool bValue) | INYLogger | inline |
SetMessageLogName(FName LogName, bool bVerify=true) | INYLogger | inline |
SetMessageLogOpenOnNewMessage(bool bValue) | INYLogger | inline |
SetNoOutputLogCategory() | INYLogger | inline |
SetOnScreenNewerOnTop(bool bValue) | INYLogger | inline |
SetOnScreenTimeToDisplay(float Seconds) | INYLogger | inline |
SetOpenMessageLogLevelsHigherThan(ENYLoggerLogLevel AfterOrEqualLevel) | INYLogger | inline |
SetOutputLogCategory(const FLogCategoryBase &NewCategory) | INYLogger | inline |
SetOutputLogCategory(FName NewCategory) | INYLogger | inline |
SetRedirectMessageLogLevelsHigherThan(ENYLoggerLogLevel AfterOrEqualLevel) | INYLogger | inline |
Trace(const FString &Message) | INYLogger | inline |
Tracef(const FmtType &Fmt, Types... Args) | INYLogger | inline |
UseClientConsole(bool bValue) | INYLogger | inline |
UseMessageLog(bool bValue, bool bInMessageLogMirrorToOutputLog=true) | INYLogger | inline |
UseOnScreen(bool bValue, bool bInForceEnableScreenMessages=false) | INYLogger | inline |
UseOutputLog(bool bValue) | INYLogger | inline |
Warning(const FString &Message) | INYLogger | inline |
Warningf(const FmtType &Fmt, Types... Args) | INYLogger | inline |
~INYLogger() | INYLogger | inlinevirtual |