Documentation for the Unreal C++ Plugin
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Sessions And Data Reporting


There are 3 functions used for manipulating session and data reporting:

  • UApexAPI::JoinSession() is used to indicate the start of a session. It also includes information about the module and user.
  • UApexAPI::CompleteSession() is used to indicate the end of a session. It also includes information about the user's session, such as length, completion status and score.
  • UApexAPI::SendSessionEvent() is used during a session to signal events or report module specific data. This requires nearly a fully described xAPI Statement to be passed in.

All events used for when these functions are called are the same for when calling Authentication functionality. To see how to use the events, see Handling Authentication API Responses in the Authentication page.

Important Note on Blueprint Data Types

All of the above functions are accessible in Blueprint, but due to the need to support optional values in the xAPI Spec, there is a limitation of what values can be set via Blueprints in the xAPI structures. If you cannot find a value in Blueprint that you need to fill out, know that you will need to accomplish this with C++.


What is a session?

A session is one complete play-through of single scenario. Different modules handle this in different ways, but the main idea is that a session should be the scenario itself, not the process of selecting an experience.

Some modules have a lobby that a user loads into after authentication and return to after running through a scenario. Time in the lobby should not count towards any session- the session begins when you choose an experience from the lobby, and the session ends when you finish the experience, either by completing it, or using a menu option to return to the lobby.

Other modules just have a front end menu, but the concept is the same- the session begins once you have selected the experience from the menu.

Every time a user enters a scenario, (whether directly from the login screen, from a lobby, from a front-end menu, or from any other system you have set up), you need to call UApexAPI::JoinSession(). Similarly, once they have finished a scenario you need to call UApexAPI::CompleteSession().



The UApexAPI::JoinSession() function should be called every time the user starts a new session.

Blueprint Example


The UApexAPI::JoinSession() has 2 optional parameters:

  • InScenarioId:FString - Sets the UApexAPI::ScenarioId, which is then used as part of the id property of the object object. If this is not set, then whatever the UApexAPI::ScenarioId was previously set to will be used.
  • InContextExtension:FXAPIExtension - Allows you to include any custom extensions in the context object. This is used to include any additional information you want to report that is not in the standard JoinSession() report. See Extensions for more details.

Example Code

FXAPIExtension ContextExtension;
ContextExtension.AddString("simple_iri_extension", "value");
UApexAPI* ApexAPI = GetGameInstance()->GetSubsystem<UApexAPI>();
UCLASS(BlueprintType, Blueprintable)
Definition ApexAPI.h:76
bool JoinSession(FString InScenarioId, const FXAPIExtension &InContextExtension, bool bIsMultiplayer=false)
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Apex|API")
Definition ApexAPI.cpp:630
TSharedPtr< FJsonValue > & AddString(FString InKey, const FString &InValue)
TSharedPtr< FJsonValue > & AddCustomString(FString InKey, const FString &InValue)



The UApexAPI::CompleteSession() function should be called every time the user completes a session.


Blueprint Example


The UApexAPI::CompleteSession() function has 1 required parameter:

  • InSessionData:FSessionData - Use this parameter to pass the basic data that Apex uses to complete the reporting dashboard for finished sessions. Failure to include any of this data will result in the dashboard displaying the session report as being "incomplete". More information can be found in the SessionData section of this page.


FSessionData is a custom strcutre that stores end of session data, as well as content and result extension data.

The FSessionData is used for two purposes, both of which are automatic but are explained here for completeness. First, many of the required properties of the Result object in the generated xAPI statement get populated with data from the FSessionData. Secondly, it is used to populate both the Result.Extension and Context.Extension within the FXAPIStatement.

The Example Data below demonstrates how this additional top level data is included.


The following members are defined for FSessionData:

  • Complete:bool TRUE indicates the user made it all the way through to an expected completion point. FALSE indicates they quit early, usually through a menu option to quit or return to lobby.
  • Success:bool TRUE indicates they achieved a high enough score or otherwise performed the necessary tasks to pass the module. FALSE indicates they did not.
  • Score:float The final score the user achieved on the module.
  • ScoreScaled:float Usually the "score" value divided by the "max" value. The value can range from -1 to 1.
  • ScoreMin:float The lowest possible score in the module (often 0, but it depends on the nature of your module).
  • ScoreMax:float The highest possible score a user could achieve in your module
  • Duration:int How long, in seconds, the session lasted.
  • AdditionalContextData:FXAPIExtension An extension to the Context part of the xAPI Statement.
  • AdditionalResultData:FXAPIExtension An extension to the Result part of the xAPI Statement.

    UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Apex|Session Data") bool Complete; UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Apex|Session Data") bool Success; UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Apex|Session Data") float Score; UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Apex|Session Data") float ScoreScaled; UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Apex|Session Data") float ScoreMin; UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Apex|Session Data") float ScoreMax; UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Apex|Session Data") int Duration;

    UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Apex|Session Data") FXAPIExtension AdditionalContextData; UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Apex|Session Data") FXAPIExtension AdditionalResultData;

Example Code

float Score = 85;
float Scaled = .85;
float Min = 0;
float Max = 100;
int Duration = 120;
bool Completed = true;
bool Success = true;
FSessionData EndSessionData;
EndSessionData.Score = Score;
EndSessionData.ScoreScaled = Scaled;
EndSessionData.ScoreMin = Min;
EndSessionData.ScoreMax = Max;
EndSessionData.Duration = Duration;
EndSessionData.Complete = Completed;
EndSessionData.Success = Success;
EndSessionData.AdditionalResultData.AddCustomString("", "99.99");
EndSessionData.AdditionalResultData.AddNumber("expected_score_prediction", 100);
UApexAPI* ApexAPI = GetGameInstance()->GetSubsystem<UApexAPI>();
bool CompleteSession(const FSessionData &InSessionData)
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Apex|API")
Definition ApexAPI.cpp:756
Definition ApexTypes.h:193
bool Complete
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Apex|Session Data")
Definition ApexTypes.h:202
float Score
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Apex|Session Data")
Definition ApexTypes.h:214
float ScoreMin
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Apex|Session Data")
Definition ApexTypes.h:226
float ScoreScaled
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Apex|Session Data")
Definition ApexTypes.h:220
float ScoreMax
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Apex|Session Data")
Definition ApexTypes.h:232
int Duration
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Apex|Session Data")
Definition ApexTypes.h:238
FXAPIExtension AdditionalResultData
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Apex|Session Data")
Definition ApexTypes.h:251
bool Success
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Apex|Session Data")
Definition ApexTypes.h:208
TSharedPtr< FJsonValue > & AddNumber(FString InKey, const int &InValue)



The UApexAPI::SendSessionEvent() function is how you send any data to Apex during a session.


  • Constructs an xAPI statement from provided session data.
  • Sends an event with xAPI statement data.
  • Returns FALSE if there is no logged in user, if UApexAPI::JoinSession() has not been called to start a session, if the InStatement.Actor has had any data filled or if any of the following members in InStatement have not been set.
    • InStatement.Verb
    • InStatement.Verb.ID
    • InStatement.Target
  • UApexAPI::OnRequestComplete and UApexAPI::OnStaticRequestComplete with the type EApexRequestType::SessionEvent is called when the user was able to join the session successfully.
  • UApexAPI::OnRequestFail and UApexAPI::OnStaticRequestFail with the type EApexRequestType::SessionEvent is called when the user was not able to join the session or when the server is not able to be reached.

Blueprint Example


The UApexAPI::SendSessionEvent() function has 1 required parameter:

  • InStatement:FXAPIStatement The object that provides all the necessary data to generate the xAPI statement.

xAPI in Unreal

  • The Apex SDK, as well as the PixoVR Platform, expect data to be sent in the xAPI format specification for information consistency. The Apex SDK documentation should provide enough context for you to effectively use our implementation of the package, but if you want to dig deeper, the full documentation on the standard is available here.

Relevant Members

Set manually

The following properties are available for you to set yourself. Verb and target(ie object) are required to create a valid xAPI statement, while result and context are available should you wish to use them.

  • Verb: The action the user took
  • Target: The object of the action

  • Result: Data relating to the result of the action taken
  • Context: Data that helps describe the conditions surrounding the action, both in game and at a system level.
    • Context.Registration, Context.Platform, and Context.Revision are set automatically.
    • Context.Revision is set to equal the UApexAPI::ModuleVersion.

Set Automatically

You will see the following properties show up on the Apex report, but you should not set them yourself - they are always the same, and will be set for you by the SDK:

  • Actor: Set to the logged in user.
  • Timestamp: records the time the event happened. Uses the headset system clock, and is set to UTC.
  • Version: The version of of the xAPI spec being used. Currently 1.03.

Example Code

There are a lot of possible ways to build an xAPI statement, with a LOT of potential information you could include. This flexibility is valuable if you have complex data you need to track. But sometimes, maybe even most of the time, all you need is something simple.

All an xAPI statement truly requires is an Actor, a Verb and an Object (which the Apex SDK refers to as a "Target"). The SendSessionEvent function will add the Actor information (i.e. the logged in user) to the passed InStatement, so all you need to provide is a verb and an object, and their associated IDs.

The following code demonstrates how to do this:

FXAPIStatement EventStatement;
EventStatement.Verb.ID = TEXT("");
// The Target is equivalent to the object in the xAPI specificiation
EventStatement.Target.ID = TEXT("");
UApexAPI* ApexAPI = GetGameInstance()->GetSubsystem<UApexAPI>();
bool SendSessionEvent(const FXAPIStatement &InStatement)
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Apex|API")
Definition ApexAPI.cpp:867
FString ID
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Apex|XAPI|Activity")
Definition XAPITypes.h:573
FXAPIVerb Verb
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Apex|XAPI|Statement")
Definition XAPITypes.h:1039
FXAPIActivity Target
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Apex|XAPI|Statement")
Definition XAPITypes.h:1046
Definition XAPITypes.h:1157
FString ID
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Apex|XAPI|Verb")
Definition XAPITypes.h:511

There are a few things to note:

  • The Unreal Apex SDK calls objects "Targets". This is a convention to prevent conflicts with the object keyword. Any data you add to the EventStatement.Target property will show up as an Object property in the PixoVR Platform.
  • Objects (Targets) can be one of several types, but Activity is by far the most common type. Refer to the official xAPI spec for more information about the other types.
  • The Verb.ID and EventActivity.ID need to be an IRI formatted FString.

Now, if the simple version is not enough for your use case, below we've provided a more detailed example that includes the data that we feel is most relevant to the Apex System and should cover most of your needs. You are of course welcome to include any additional properties you would like in your report, and if you have any questions about how to do so, or about best practices feel free to contact us.

FXAPIStatement EventStatement;
// Verb
EventStatement.Verb.ID = TEXT("");
// Object
// Note: Activity is one of four ObjectTypes, but the one that 99% of statements on
// Apex should use.
EventStatement.Target.ID = "";
EventStatement.Result.Completion = true; //did they complete the event
EventStatement.Result.Success = true; //did they get a passing score or otherwise succeed at the event
EventStatement.Result.Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15);//how long did they spend on the event
EventStatement.Result.Response = "answer"; //how they answered a question, or otherwise responded
EventStatement.Result.Score.Max = 100;
EventStatement.Result.Score.Min = 0;
EventStatement.Result.Score.Raw = 80;
EventStatement.Result.Score.Scaled = 0.8;
EventStatement.Context.Extension.AddString("simple_key", "value");
UApexAPI* ApexAPI = GetGameInstance()->GetSubsystem<UApexAPI>();
FString Add(FString InLanguage, FString InValue)
Definition XAPITypes.h:57
TOptional< FTimespan > Duration
Definition XAPITypes.h:914
FString Response
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Apex|XAPI|Result")
Definition XAPITypes.h:912
FXAPIScore Score
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Apex|XAPI|Result")
Definition XAPITypes.h:921
TOptional< bool > Success
Definition XAPITypes.h:905
TOptional< bool > Completion
Definition XAPITypes.h:903
FOptionalFloat Max
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Apex|XAPI|Score")
Definition XAPITypes.h:833
FOptionalFloat Min
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Apex|XAPI|Score")
Definition XAPITypes.h:826
FOptionalFloat Scaled
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Apex|XAPI|Score")
Definition XAPITypes.h:812
FOptionalFloat Raw
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Apex|XAPI|Score")
Definition XAPITypes.h:819
FXAPIResult Result
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Apex|XAPI|Statement")
Definition XAPITypes.h:1053
FXAPIContext Context
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Apex|XAPI|Statement")
Definition XAPITypes.h:1060
FXAPILanguageMap Display
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Apex|XAPI|Verb")
Definition XAPITypes.h:518


Extensions are a way to include additional information in a particular xAPI object that is not part of the standard properties of that object.

For example:

  • If your module had a difficulty setting you could track which setting a user had chosen in a context extension.
  • In a javelin throwing simulation, you might would want to track both distance thrown as well as an assigned point score. Score is already available in the result object, and you could track the distance thrown in a result extension.

Actor, Context, Object, and Result objects can all support extensions. Regardless of which object type you are adding them to, they are handled in the same way.

First, you declare a new FXAPIExtension:

FXAPIExtension SampleExtension;

Then you can either use the Add() or AddCustom() functions to add as many key/value pairs to the Extension object as you want. These non-type specific functions require a TSharedPtr<FJsonValue>.

  • AddCustom(): The AddCustom() function requires the key to be an IRI, which conforms to the xAPI spec.
  • Add(): The Add() enforces the requirement that an extension key be an IRI, and the Add() function allows you to use a FString as your key

There are also type specific functions for adding, both with a Add and AddCustom version. Any function with AddCustom in the name requires the key to be an IRI.

Data Reporting Example Code

FXAPIExtension SampleExtension;
SampleExtension.AddString("simple_key", "value");